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Orgies and the Meaning of Life

Orgies and the Meaning of Life (2008)

January. 01,2008
| Drama Romance

Baxter Goode is a man trying to find an ending to his book about a sex obsessed stick figure searching for a portal to the three dimensional world, as his father, a best selling Christian author, tries to stop him. His life is further complicated by his search for the one woman who will liberate him from his long addiction to orgy fantasies.


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There's already several accountings of the plot here, so I won't add one. I like off-beat and quirky media and this film provides that. It does it with a nice, light and fun flair in my opinion. It's listed as a drama, but I'd put it into the dark comedy category. This film is worth watching. It's anything but pornographic and I don't think the writer/director ever intended it to be. I can't see inside someone's intent or try to pull meanings from so few words that someone's written here but it seems to me that some of the comments already posted either missed what I found to be the "meaning" in the film or perhaps I found my own meanings from it that the writer/director never intended. Whichever the case may be, simply put, I liked this film because it made me smile and reflect on my own thoughts and fantasies about life, sex, love(the One) and God. Any film, book or conversation that can do that is OK in my ledger.


I loved this film. I've seen harsh reviews from disappointed folks thinking from the word "orgies" that it's porn, and then putting it down because it's not superficial or pornographic, but instead is a surprising, artsy film about feelings and intimacy.I really identify with Baxter the main character, his flaws and fears as he searches for intimacy in relationships. The only "orgies" are Baxter's fantasies he uses in his head during sex to perform when he doesn't feel intimacy. As Baxter struggles with various relationships and a controlling religious fundamentalist father, he is writing a graphic novel about a stick figure who is trying to find a portal to the 3D world; this stick-figure is a metaphor for Baxter's own search for authenticity, meaning, and intimacy in his own life.The film works, and I recommend it highly. It has some problems, and it's not anything like a polished mainstream Hollywood film, sure. But it's a gem. And that Brad Gottfried wrote, directed, and starred in this wonderful tale makes me want to see anything and everything else he's written or directed. I can understand the bad reviews if you like mainstream Hollywood stuff, but if you like eccentric quirky tales about misfits trying to overcome sexual hangups and express themselves authentically, I think you won't be disappointed with this one.


Just saw this little nugget. I'm giving it a ten because it doesn't deserve its current rating. My true rating would be a seven - although for originality alone it deserves an 11. Orgies sports a cartoon feel throughout (even the blue book Baxter carries around) and is exceptionally odd. But I've never been one to think of odd as a bad thing, even when some of the pieces don't fit together in a particular way. In fact, odd makes me think more than would a surefire formula. And I therefore found myself engaging in this film. The animation is minimal which - for me - heightens the 'quest' theme. And at the end of the day, aren't we all on some sort of quest for meaning - no matter how bizarre or futile it may be. Amen.


The prior reviewer probably doesn't like stick figures. I found the synopsis to be accurate. Anyway, this film is VERY quirky.Yes, it is low budget. But it is creative, wacky, and quite witty. The animation is really neat. No, it is not a perfect film, but there are some really nice moments. It is rather nifty the way the book comes to life. I think those that love 'quirky/different' will appreciate it - and no, it is not your typical big- budget - kill-everything-in-sight Hollywood blockbuster! If that is what you prefer, then watch something else.
