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Compelling Evidence

Compelling Evidence (1995)

January. 01,1995
| Thriller Mystery Romance

Rick Stone is the world's biggest action star but unfortunately, he is also the prime suspect in his wife's death. He must enlist the help of a conniving tabloid reporter named Dana Fields and the trust of his mistress Stephanie to try and clear his name.


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The late Dana Plato has a chance to shine in this mystery thriller. Plato fans will love it!!!!


The only possible reasons to watch this is if a) you are a Brigitte Nielsen completist; or b) you have a morbid desire to see the late Dana Plato's breasts (my reason was the latter, but I've already come to terms with my sickness).Bad acting, bad script, bad cinematography, and non-existent production values add up to worthless dreck, even by direct-to-video standards.Danny Fendley, playing a "famous action star" looks about as buff as my very fat beagle. Besides not looking good in the part, he can't act very well. This might have been part of The Method, of course: he became an action star in his own mind and like all action stars, was incapable of delivering lines well.Melissa Moore, who is topless in most of her scenes, looks like a topless action star. Not counting her chest, she's shrill and uninteresting.Dana Plato. Poor Dana Plato. She delivers some emotion (not much) in her readings, but you still wonder what she was doing here. Surely she had to know that even with nudity, this could not be a route back to Hollywood stardom. In retrospect, she only furnishes leering pathos.I don't remember much of Brigitte Nielsen. She was killed off shortly after giving a canned speech to her husband (the "action star").The script does not help this untalented cast. It's silly in terms of its plot, and plodding in its dialog.Even the subtitle, "Murder in Hollywood" is wrong: this was filmed (taped) in Atlanta. If Edward Wood had lived another 20 years, he might have ended up directing this, and probably would have improved it.


Possibly the big attraction to this film would be the appearance of Brigitte Nielsen, or Danny Fendley who plays the role of Rick Stone and is married to Brigitte (Michelle). There is a reporter on a local tabloid newspaper who manages to photograph Rick in bed with a hot gal completely naked. Naturally, Michelle wants a divorce and also every penny that Rich Stone owns. As the film progresses there are lots of naked sex scenes and that is about all this film has to offer, the acting is a disgrace and this really is the type of film production a porno studio would use as a story line and then of course the love making. If you like nudity, this film might interest you.

Mr Roboto

You know you're watching a bad movie when you think, "What is Brigitte Nielsen doing in THIS?" A really awful movie. And I've seen some BAD movies. It all has to do with the world's most successful action-movie star getting caught in a murder conspiracy. You will not for a second believe that this guy could be the hottest actor in the world. Actually, everything about this movie is absurd and unconvincing. The only conceivable reason to watch it is Lynn Lowry, who hasn't been seen much since the '70s. But I'm sure you can think of more useful ways to pass the time.
