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Moment by Moment

Moment by Moment (1978)

December. 22,1978
| Drama Romance

Trisha Rawlings, a Beverly Hills socialite suffering from loneliness following the separation from her womanizing husband, develops a May–December romance with a young drifter named Strip.


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I luvd this movie!..the only thing i hate is that i can't seem to find it anywhere on DVD to put in my collection!..This movie i give a ten on a scale of 1 to 10!..its a movie you want to watch on repeat!..JOhn Travolta and Lilly Tomlin are simply awesome in this...who would have thought of those two making a perfect match..but they do...from the music when it first comes on to the story line and throughout..total romance without a doubt...My favorite line that John Travolta says is What a world!..boy that's the truth..and they are just so innocent in this..and is what it should be..and more...Please i want to encourage everyone that has any romantic sense about them to watch this............I've heard the word corny when some have spoken of this movie..i don't see it that way at all.............


I finally saw this stinker after hearing so much about it and it does deserve the bad reviews it's received.I don't mind romantic movies,as long as the two leads have chemistry,but Travolta and Tomlin have none.I know how Tomlin got cast and that was because her partner wrote and directed it,but still,Tomlin is no romantic lead.A great comedienne,but not a romantic actress by a long shot..A couple of scenes made me laugh and that was when Strip said he felt "cheap" when Trish just wanted to have sex with no commitment.How many guys would say they felt "cheap"? And the other one was when Strip got all upset when he told Trish he loved her,but she didn't say it back to him.He ran off like a baby that didn't get what he wanted..I kept thinking that Travolta's sister Ellen looks a little bit like Lily and the sex scenes between John and Lily seemed a little weird...If you're going to make a romantic movie,make sure it has passion and make sure it has depth.This has neither one...In real life,Strip would never be attracted to Trish,so the movie is implausible for that alone..The reviews speak for themselves and the critics were right,but I guess this could be considered a camp classic and a guilty pleasure,so maybe that's all it deserves to be and nothing more..


After 30 years of knowing of the reputation of Moment by Moment being the nadir of the movie careers of John Travolta and Lily Tomlin, I finally got a chance to watch this on Hulu and I must say, it's not as bad as I feared. Oh sure, Travolta's character is very much a stalker in the beginning and it's not completely believable seeing Tomlin fall for him but once that's out of the way they both have some nice moments together. And in the book "Golden Turkey Awards", there was some choice words about Ms. Tomlin's nude scene that made me think she appeared topless here but I found out not once do her breasts show so it wasn't uncomfortable the way Julie Andrews showing hers on S.O.B was! There was, however, one scene where Trish says she has some questions for Strip and the first thing I was thinking she should ask him is "What is your real name?" I mean, really, what parents name their child "Strip"? LOL! And her constantly saying "Oh, Strip!" I have to wonder if there were ever any drinking games about the number of times she says that...Anyway, I think the real reason this movie flopped was because Tomlin wasn't being funny and Travolta wasn't tough like in Saturday Night Fever and Grease. And yes, seeing them in bed together does look uncomfortable. But while Moment by Moment isn't very good, it's not very bad either. P.S. Producer Robert Stigwood must have had a hell of a year in 1978 having started with two blockbusters in SNF and Grease and then ended it with the bombs Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and this one.


Tomlin can't act, nor can Travolta.There's no chic setting to rescue either of them. Each is on their own, and thus, succumbs to the paper bag. As we watch, moment by moment, the leads sink into a morass of banality.This movie is good for only one thing: getting information from a prisoner who has resisted all other forms of torture. Therefore, this has to be one of GWB's favorite films. Or maybe Rumsfeld.If you're a masochist, you'll love this picture.
