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The Subjects

The Subjects (2015)

October. 08,2015
| Thriller Science Fiction

Eight strangers go into a locked room for clinical trials on a new drug that gives them superpowers.


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"Superhero" films are a dime a dozen, and the genre has grown so stale and life-less as to be a modern caricature of their former glory. This film takes a wholly unique approach to the "human with special powers" angle, and really runs with it. While being an entertaining film that will hold your interest for its entire run-time, it could have used so much more TLC in order to make it a classic in the sub-genre.I knew this film was going to be interesting after the first power was "introduced". It was shocking, and came out of nowhere, and really sets the stage for the rest of the film. The SFX is low budget, and very poorly done in some instances, and the acting is disjointed and all over the place. Some actors are good, while others (like "Jizz") should never appear in a film ever again. The story is unique, with plenty of twists and turns, and the run time of one hour and 11 minutes makes it an easy watch, although not all of the pertinent questions are answered in the end.Overall, this film varies too much in all departments to be given a proper score. The acting ranges from B-grade to less than F, as do the special effects, and the script. Ultimately, it's a very unbalanced film that does a lot of things well, but ruins it by doing so many things so unbelievably poorly, it's literally laughable. Had it been more consistent, it would have really been something special. But a low budget does not excuse such an unbalanced end result.With more time, a better script, a more talented cast, and a better SFX budget, this film would have been a classic. As it stands, it's just another entertaining side dish to meatier and better made films. A solid C effort, especially considering the subject matter.

andrew salisbury

a group of complete strangers are put in a locked room together to test a new pill being developed by a pharmaceutical company. although they don,t know it at first, the pill is meant to grant powers to the person who takes itthe prospect of a pill that grants powers may seem enticing, but as the characters soon discover, the powers they gain may not be so easy to control, and pretty soon, they start to die gruesome deaths, and are unable to leave the room for 8 hours. at 80 mins, it's pretty short, but the story moved at a good pace and i was never bored

Michael Petro

Yea, I could probably nick a half-a-star or more off of this for trivial reasons, but goddammit this was highly entertaining.The characters are circumscribed well, if a bit cartoonish, but they are played with real commitment and so anyone with heart will go with that aspect.The "physicist" among them was charming and manic and had a great close-out in the end credits.I liked this as much as I did "Coherence" and "Chronicle" (and others like "Primer,") with the bonus that the superhero and the time-travel conceits were included in one movie.If you're just looking to get your fantasy stroked, this movie will do just fine.


I would not exactly call myself the avid indie-film-lover, so I kind of went in to this film with expectations of poor acting, effects and script. More than being pleasantly surprised, I actually really enjoyed the movie. The characters were apparent archetypes, but i found that excusable and even realistic given the setting of a clinical trial. The film had a number of really surprising twists, which did not come across as corny and led me to need to re-watch the film to fully understand the depth of Mond's work. I would have to claim that i enjoyed this movie far more than the typical studio effort of superheroes rewritten with near-identical scripts and class myself as a convert to appreciating (and paying for) indie films in the future!
