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Menace from Outer Space

Menace from Outer Space (1956)

January. 01,1956
| Adventure Science Fiction TV Movie

A nontheatrical (16mm) film comprise of three contiguous episodes of the TV series "Rocky Jones, Space Ranger".


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Fuzzy Wuzzy

While watching Menace From Outer Space, one must keep it firmly in mind that this was an early-television program that was specifically geared to entertain youngsters in the under-12-years-old age range.Yes. Its storyline was simple-minded. Yes. Its low-budget effects were, often enough. a laughable joke. Yes. Its characters were all one-dimensional stereotypes who were probably playing it very tongue-in-cheek....But, on the whole, this kiddies' TV show was good-natured enough to be considered marginally entertaining and its husky hero, Rocky Jones, was good-looking enough for anyone to forgive its many downfalls and flaws and at least enjoy it in all of its cheesy, b-grade splendour.


"Menace From Space" begins with strange missiles made of crystal being hurled at the Earth. The brainiac professor determines they are from one of Jupiter's moons, so Rocky Jones takes a small crew to this strange world to try to determine why this is occurring. Once there, an evil Earth scientist is already there and he's manipulating the locals to his own wicked and greedy ends. So, it's up to the Earth heroes to save the day.I love 1950s sci-fi movies--even though the special effects are often pretty silly and the plots a bit campy. I particularly love the films taking humans on their first trips to the Moon or Mars. However, despite my strong predisposition to like such material, this movie made up of three episodes of TV's "Rocky Jones Space Ranger" is pretty bad. Of course, being made for television the special effects were worse than you'd find in a real movie--this I could accept. What I couldn't accept were the awful characters! Rocky is wooden, but he's not the problem. The biggest problems are Winky and the little brat they took along for no reason whatsoever. Winky is the second in command but you wonder why they'd put a complete moron in such an important role! He's clearly the 'comic relief', though since he isn't funny, he's more the 'annoying relief'! And the 'precocious kid'?! Well, apparently although they barely have enough fuel to make it to Fornax and back, they decide to bring this whiny kid along--even though he can't possibly contribute anything to the mission (unless, of course, they want to use him as a shield). The writing of this show and the ensuing movie is pretty poor and clearly is being marketed to kids, not anyone wanting sci-fi that is realistic or well-written. As a result, it's only good for a laugh and not much more.


Similar to the earlier patch job known as "Crash of Moons", Space Ranger Rocky Jones (Richard Crane) assembles his gang here once again to avert a threat to Earth, though not as ominous as the one in the earlier film. Most of the action as it were, takes place on Fornax, a moon of Jupiter. The mystery of the film seems to be how Professor Newton (Maurice Cass) believes that the environment on Fornax might be hostile to humans, when eight years earlier an Earth rogue named Cardos exiled himself to the moon to escape his criminal past. There he's been ingratiating himself with Zoravac (Walter Coy), the ruler of Fornax.What gives the film some of it's dubious fun is the extensive use of pseudo scientific jargon. Making a return appearance are the viseograph and the astrophone, but perhaps most impressive was the mechanical canary used to test the atmosphere on Fornax; too bad they didn't come up with a more colorful handle for it.This time around, Rocky's young ward Bobby (Robert Lyden) is given a playmate, the daughter of Zoravac named Volaca. As expected, the pair wind up in places they don't belong, but manage to help Rocky and Winky (Scotty Beckett) save the day and the millennium. Once again, Winky has the film's most memorable line - "Well rattle my rocket reflexes".Though uncredited in the film, bad guy Cardos is portrayed by Nestor Paiva. You might recognize him as the Amazon boat captain Lucas from a couple of the "Creature of the Black Lagoon" movies.Like it's predecessor "Crash of Moons", this film is a fun diversion, even if just to get a view of how far we've come in both space technology and film making. I got a bit of a chuckle out of the mention of an interplanetary agency called the 'Office of Space Affairs'. Had it still been around for the launch of the Star Ship Enterprise, they might have been kept real busy investigating Captain Kirk.

Chris Gaskin

Menace From Outer Space is based on the Rocky Jones TV series from the 1950's and this is actually episodes put together as a feature film.There special effects are not too bad considering the low budget.The cast includes Richard Crane as Rocky Jones with Sally Mansfield and Roberty Lydon.It was good to see this movie and I also have Crash of the Moons in my collection.There were several episodes of the Rocky Jones TV series that were made into feature films.Great fun.Rating: 3 stars out of 5.
