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Alien Uprising

Alien Uprising (2008)

November. 05,2008
| Science Fiction

A suspected prisoner uprising brings Marines to the prison planet of Rove 12, but nothing is what it seems. The few surviving prisoners are hiding from a ruthless, blood thirsty creature. Now the prisoners and the marines must fight together to get off the planet ALIVE!


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When I took a look at where this movie, if you can actually call it that, was made. The first thing that popped in my head was a salsa commercial telling you where some off brand name salsa was made - "New York City?!" Yeah .. it was made in .. a little eye popping here .. Metuchen New Jersey?! Okay .. that explains a lot all by itself.I actually was kinda torn between giving it a 2 or a 7. I finally decided against the 7 since it just wasn't quite up MST 3000 standards. Almost but not quite. Alright, it wasn't even close. Never mind. Two.On the other hand I think this is about the cheesiest rip-off movie I've ever had the pleasure/displeasure of watching. Re:Aliens. Honestly, can you really say a guy wearing a hoody and Carhart coveralls is a monster? Well, maybe ... hmm .. no .. no you can't .. not in a sci-fi movie. Sorry. Okay, okay, so James Arness pretty well pulled it off in The Thing from Another World. Must've been better Carharts back then. And cooler hoodies.If you like pure cheese though, the limburg variety, then definitely you don't want to pass this up. Just don't forget to bring some crackers.


This movie is like one of those no-name generic products you buy on the shelves of a supermarket. It has all the ingredients of the original, but not the presentation or quality.Now stop me if you've heard this one before. A shadowy company sends a group of marines to a prison planet, where they are betrayed by the Weaselly Company Guy(TM) and come face to face with an acid-dripping monster who hides in the shadows. After an initial confrontation, they team up with the surviving prisoners, as the alien proceeds to pick them off one at a time. A kick-butt female heroine defeats the monster! Yes, kiddies, it's the plot line to the Alien movies, especially the second and third ones. No budget, poor special effects (you barely see what the monster looks like, which is probably good, because what you do see looks pretty cheap) and some truly bad acting.Oh, yeah, and the heroine is a lesbian. Why? Only way they can make the supposed plot twist at the end work! And the director wanted to see two chicks making out! The film has some actresses who aren't bad looking, but they can't act worth a darn. Most of the actors have terrible accents, so you can barely make out what they are saying. Then they keep interspersing these graphics to show you where everyone is moving, probably because they filming didn't make it very clear who was where...Okay, now for the plot twist. The mission leader's second in command is also her lesbian lover. Of course, her girlfriend gets kidnapped by the monster, forcing her to go on a Ripley-like rescue mission to get her before the big explosion wipes everything out. She finds her naked lying on the floor, but alive, and kills the alien, who inexplicably manages to regenerate himself despite getting his head blown off with a grenade. The survivors take off for an uncharted planet and go into suspended animation...(SPOILER ALERT) Okay, the big surprise ending is that the Girlfriend is pregnant with the alien's baby! Except you know this is coming about ten minutes before they do it, they so badly telegraph the action! Not to mention the implied alien rape is a little...um much.Okay, some of the dialog is kind of clever, and unlike a lot of military movies, they seem to get some of the jargon and tactics about right. But overall, it's a shameless ripoff of someone else's better ideas.


5 out of 10 for the effort, but a little to "Aliens" for my taste. Similar story lines, just slight different characters. And what's with the lesbian twist to everything now, like science fiction books of the 80's all had to have a female hero. Not that's anything wrong with that, but it's just not original. Some predictable parts, but they did come out with some small original stuff, that's why I did enjoy the movie, even though I did fast forward a few little parts. As for the small budget… I don't care; at least they got the movie made. More money into this movie would just make the visuals better of course, but the story line would just be the same. I don't like it when the complete movie is dark, but then it's a budget thing. As for the acting, not that bad, I guess that made the movie, no over acting, I think, then I'm not an expert. I did like the weapons noises, but then again, I saw Aliens many times, so I like the sound. It had its moments, but I hope they don't make a second part, because they left that open of course if they make any money from this one. (I hope they do get some cash, for the effort)My 2¢


Ship full of marines with one civilian are sent to a far off prison planet to find out what happened to the people on the planet and to stop the explosion of nuclear power plane which could destroy the interstellar jump gates. Well written and decently acted scifi story is sunk by a no budget approach that results in too cheap sets and costumes (its cardboard and cast offs). To be certain the cast manages to sell the story as much as possible,but at the same time the sets and props are so poor that watching this is a tough haul. Honestly this looks like what I was doing back in my film-making salad days in high school. Personally I'm bothered that the budget for the film didn't exist because had there been some money, any money, this might have been the sort of film that ends up in a rotation on cable TV. As it stands now the film will only be seen by those who stumble upon it painfully unaware that their rental was more than the entire budget for the film. If you can be very very forgiving of the lack of money and want to see a space opera that could have been better I recommend the film. If you can't deal with card board sets and cut corners stay away.
