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The Last Seven

The Last Seven (2010)

August. 24,2010
| Thriller

Seven strangers wake up on the deserted streets of London with no knowledge of how they got there. Before long someone -or something - is picking them off, one by one....


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Give me £200 and a Polaroid and I could do better than this garbage. This is meant to be a feature length thriller/horror set in post-apocalyptic London starring Danny Dyer, Tamer Hassan, Simon Phillips, Ronan Vibert, Sebastian Street, Daisy Head, Rita Ramnani and John Mawson....LOOOL.... The film tells the story of a cataclysmic event that leaves only 7 remaining people on earth and their desperate struggle tounderstand the events as they are hunted one by one by a demonic power. Horror is the wrong genre for this movie it should be "COMEDY" possibly in the worst 10 of all crappy movies ever made, not movies but a sub genre "CRAPPY MOVIES" Go with the thought if Mr Dyer can do it ...act that is and get paid for it ...ANYONE CAN !


I won't say it's a bad movie. No. I did not get anything in this offbeat story. But unfortunately, it's too sophisticated to be properly followed . Maybe I am not clever enough. And there are many of this kind of features these days. A sort of new fashion in the movie industry. The film makers want you to think in a very intense way, they want to show us stories that are unusual. That's not bad, but if only half the audience can understand them, it's worthless...I know it's in the new topics around here to talk about zombies in a sort of post apocalyptic world, so the film can be more easily sold to the distributors. After 28 DAYS - and WEEKS - later, how many features have we seen about zombies? Hundreds of them. LAST SEVEN is an interesting feature, well made, but for intellectuals only.

Marc Dewick

Seen some reviews that criticise the locations used or how easy it would be to use the locations due to weekend filming etc - what the hell does that have to do with the film ? Yes some of the actors are wooden and poor, however the story and plot is excellent - i'd compare this to the brilliant early 2000's John Cusack film 'Identity' - rather than the usual mindless violence (& yep I love that as much as the next guy) this movie makes you think - you have to think about previous scenes etc but the excellent use of flashbacks (& later realised 'flashforwards') it all fits into place. Occasionally movies should be about making you think and not just being dumb spit dribblers - I love the all action movies but occasionally some thought provoking movies don't go amiss. As for Danny Dyer - he's had his critics for generally portraying a mindless football hooligan etc, however his brief involvement in this does show more to his ability. Guys if you're going to grab a DVD for a night in with the other half, give it a try - but make sure you do a little homework first, it's not a zombie / action / horror / etc etc film - it requires some thought and raises some discussion points - be prepared !!!! All in all I'd watch it again (and have done so) - if you want other thought provoking movies grab 'Moon' as well - another well under rated movie that deserves more.


Yes Definitely all people worked for this movie must retired and go home ,i hope this was the last movie of them ,no more please thank you its enough , everything and i mean everything it was awful , stupid clichés , stupid plot , cast for a "last of the vampires" movie not for this one musical score for dummies and a sirens of a car alarm what a surprise and we got a movie here.Also the worst of all an army officer in cameo suit peeing for at least 20 min of the movie into a garbage box and then he is hearing some voices "Buhuuuuuuuuu" and " wuaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh"brrrrr so scary and while all people believed that it was a virus or something like "28 days later" then director said "noooo this was in another movie it reminds me something" lets make it different we ll say this was the underworld London or the paradise or heaven London or whatever but this will not convince no one , because GOD DOES NOT TAKING SOULS INTO TAVERNS OR RESTAURANTS this was the most ridiculous part of the movie.Yes this movie really S U C K S. Watch it at your risk.
