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Jakarta (1990)

March. 01,1990
| Action Thriller

A CIA agent roams the streets of New York haunted by the death of the beautiful woman he fell in love with while on assignment in Jakarta. When he is kidnapped and drugged, the destination is Jakarta once again where he tries to unravel the mystery that is the city which broke him three years earlier.


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Great foundation. The execution? Toss-up.The Nothster plays an ex CIA agent with a recurring romantic nightmare.The agency wants him back, but he keeps running away so...they force him back to Jakarta.Jakarta was mostly used for scenery and atmosphere here. Any city would have given a similar result with this plot.Noth has a girl in his past that he thinks has been nixed. Has she? We head for 'nesia to see. Chase scenes commence. And of course he has an old buddy there. For words from said buddy? "Make it Johnny Walker Black...on me." Hey, he just happened to be in that bar.The acting wasn't bad really. The cast did their best and created some pretty tense moments.The chase into the XXX theater was funny. ("Look at the size of that...PIPE.") And the Indonesian puppet shows lent a bit of flair as well. Even if it had little to do with the story.For fans of Asian based actioners only.

sacchidanand jadye

noth shown as ex-CIA agent who run away from Jakarta as he investigate narcotics drug dealers in south east Asia. he live hidden life back in new york. he has always dreams of suzee who she get killed in car accident in Jakarta during drug mafia gun shootout, but he believes that she is not killed it is drama. one day again he thrown back in Jakarta forcefully by CIA again. with his old partners he again start his work to find her & he finds her at last. I had seen this movie on Laser Disc. the producers are Indian & Indian origins. shows real life séances, rainy season, clubs, small lanes, houses in Jakarta. colorful enjoyable movie. good car, human chasing, good action scenes, story plot is some how weak. but over all time pass movie


I was unable to sleep tonight, so I went to do some work on my computer. I turned on the tv and started searching for something to fill my ears while my mind worked. Apparently, I did both.Chris sports a beard in parts of this one, which make him super sexy. There are also shots of him making love, and MAN! does he have an amazing body. =)I first learned about Chris from Sex and the City, and loved him ever since. I wait for reruns of Law & Order, or S&tC.There are some decent car chases in this one, but I'm buying it for him.I love Mr. Big- Nicole


An interesting story on an apparently limited budget. Though filmed in an exotic local, the film was riddled with bad cuts. For example, a character is bare headed during a struggle and then appears with a hat a split second later. However, as B-movies go it was better than most. Though it features a token, drop-dead gorgeous femme fatale (Sue Francis Pai), she had an intelligent role and was actually one of the better actors in the film. If you want an entertaining but not mentally taxing action-adventure flick, this is it.
