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The Demolisher

The Demolisher (2015)

February. 22,2015
| Horror Action Thriller

Bruce is a repairman tormented by a crippling sense of responsibility for his disabled wife Samantha, an ex-policewoman. Bruce’s increasing hypersensitivity to the injustice suffered by his wife steers him down a dark path of vigilantism. His disintegrating mental health, paranoia and overwhelming sense of doom causes Bruce to channel his rage towards a young woman.


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The poster is riddled with comments from supposedly professional reviewers raving about how amazing this movie was.But don't be fooled by them cause they clearly were under the influence (of money most likely) when they wrote those.Don't get me wrong, there is some talent behind the cinematography of the movie, for such a low budget movie it looks pretty good.But the script is horrendous, it tries so hard to be artsie, abstract and distant (probably to hide the fact that the plot doesn't make any sense) that it's borderline impossible to follow at times.And no the movie is not too complex for me or anything it has nothing to do with that, the characters and script simply does not follow any kind of logic.There's not really all that much more to say really.


Going ballistic might never have felt better for some, but it also might have never felt worse. Putting on an angry face and venting is not "acting" enough to convey emotions of an extreme caliber like that. If you're willing to cut the movie some slack on that, you might have more to be entertained with, but the overall notion of low quality acting, will not help its cause.Especially when trying to be complex, while keeping it simple. The stunts are pretty decent for a low budget movie, but it seems to go nowhere. The ending will just enhance that dreadful feeling you already had. And not in a good way either. Maybe the filmmakers can come up with something good in the future, this right here, will not cut it for most people


Just the thought that they compared the director to John Carpenter, Michael Mann and Walter Hill is almost criminal. The dialogue and slow motion scenes are laughable at best. I would not recommend this film at all!!!! The people who gave this movie great reviews shod have their heads examined. I am one of the biggest supporters of indie film and this movie does nothing but make me mad. I wish I could "Demolish" the film negative so nobody has to sit through the longest 85 minutes of my life. I can't believe how many times they used slow motion for all their fighting scenes!!! The shots of Downtown Toronto were just so amateurish and I have never questioned so many scenes in a movie like "Why is he doing this?" or "Why the hell did that happen?". The funniest part is the acting in this movie and I'm pretty sure this was never intended to be comedic in any way. You know a movie is headed for trouble when the audience openly laughs at a physically challenged character crawling to their loved one who just tried to kill an innocent woman...


Done as a B-movie. Presented as a series of vignettes, sometimes with art movie overtones. Extremely violent towards the end.The direction of the film felt a little amateurish. Did not splice the two story lines in a convincing way. The violence was over the top. The dialogue was disappointing. That said, the cinematography was good.A policewoman is crippled after she intervenes in a ritual sacrifice. Her husband is deeply disturbed by her anguish and frequent nightmares. He dresses up in riot police armour, stalks and brutally beats the gang members.In the end, he is so traumatized by the violence that he goes berserk. Does not end well.It was unfortunate that the editor put in an up-beat ending. Quite unnecessary. Cannot recommend the film.
