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One of My Wives Is Missing

One of My Wives Is Missing (1976)

March. 05,1976
| Thriller Mystery TV Movie

Vacationing in a small town, a frantic Daniel Corban shows up at the local police station, declaring that his wife has disappeared. Corban imperiously demands that the easygoing police inspector drop everything and find his missing spouse. Within a few days, a woman claiming to be his wife shows up, but Corban insists that he's never met the woman before.


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Movie Enthusiast

I lo-o-oved this suspense thriller! I absolutely hate modern thrillers which are all about spies and secret agents and all these gun-wielding tough guys with shaved heads and tattoos and one too many special effects. I love good old-fashioned suspense which is based on a good script and solid old-school standards of acting and directing. This is a good example how you can create on-the-edge-of-your-seat high quality thriller on a low budget, purely with psychological suspense.There is this guy, whose wife suddenly got missing and you are biting your finger nails for him because unexpected calamities keep coming and you are really worried about this poor guy ...The final twist is kept to the very very end and it is a real good one, the one you did not see coming. You have to watch to find out!


This is a thriller made with all of the best ingredients. Just enough information is given in the beginning to pull the viewer into the plot. Critical information about the characters is withheld, however, to give viewers a chance to bond with the villain, not knowing who he is. The numerous changes in direction of the plot provide roller coaster swings and turns for the pleasantly confused viewer. As the final scenes tumble into the open, the viewer becomes torn in his loyalties to the main character and the supporting actor. At last, the truth of the matter comes into full view as the final scenes breeze by. The viewer is left holding his breath, waiting for permission to exhale! Excellent!

Brian W. Fairbanks

At first glance, this looks like another here today, gone tomorrow made for TV thriller, but this is one that will stay with you. There are twists and turns that you'd never expect, and the denouement is very clever. There's a terrific atmosphere of mystery and terror throughout, and the cast is perfect. Jack Klugman never solved a mystery this good as Quincy, that's for sure.


I love this movie! It is very rarely seen, however. I've seen it once and wish it were available on video. It's a wonderful mystery that I promise you will never figure out. A real plot twister, it will make you sit on the edge of your seat.The acting is great on all fronts. You'll always be guessing, wondering and halfway not wanting the film to end because it is so good. I could watch this movie in its entirety and sit right back down and watch it again. Don't miss this one, it's great!
