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The Fallen

The Fallen (2004)

January. 01,2004
| Drama War

Northern Italy, Autumn 1944, the last days of World War II. Germans and Italians try to defend the Gothic Line and fight the partisans who support the inexorable advance of the US Army.


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This is definitely underrated film on this site. It gives realistic note to completely unreal and insane thing as war. That must undermine model of war built in the heads of Hollywood industry consumers. We can see the same events from different points of view. There are no spectacular battles as in Saving Private Ryan which would be most probably the Hollywood highest film achievement speaking of war movies and Hollywood buffs expectations. This film shows everything dirty that stands behind the war from the lowest moral of army individuals to organized crime that welcomes every war. Everything inhuman always followed by human and sane attempts in insane times. Very nice artistic try that reminds on times of Italian grandmasters after WWII like Rossellini. I would recommend it to everyone who doesn't watch war movie to satisfy own blood hunger.


I've never written a comment on IMDb before, but this movie was so bad it left me little choice but to warn you not to waste the two hours of your life. As an avid WWII historian, I don't even know where to begin on how historically inaccurate this movie was. Carbines with Korean War bayonet lugs, K98k's missing cleaning rodes and sight hoods, German uniforms that didn't exist, the list could go on forever. Added that it's loaded with flaws, has literally no plot or climax, and acting on par with your local high school theater. The epitome of cheesy. PLEASE...there are too many good WWII movies out there to waste your time on this junk.


Wonderful heartfelt look at soldiers at war. Great ensemble acting from a large multinational cast in three languages, amazing production values, humor, pathos, tragedy. Like a fine foreign film, only this one was actually made in Brooklyn! Rumor has it the film cost far less than the reported "less than one million dollars." To paraphrase the New York Post review, if only those pea brains in Hollywood could see this movie, they might learn a thing or two. I've seen the movie several times, and it gets better and more nuanced with each viewing. I only hope that others get to see it. Hopefully Ari Taub will continue making quality movies which truthfully and entertainingly tell stories without the excess and bloat we've become numbed by.


Toward the end of WWII, the Gothic Line was looked at by both the Allied and Axis powers as an endgame in Italy. It took most of the war for the Allies to push up through Italy to this same line across the top of the Boot where the Romans held the Goths, hence the name. Germans, with the occupied (and not so cooperative) Italian Army, were on the North side, Americans and British forces were on the South. In the mix were the Italian Resistance and the local gangs of opportunists called Paisans.The focus of this extraordinary film is on not just the combatants and their allies, but the people who were being affected by the war as well. THE FALLEN explores the unsteady relationship between authority and humanity in the military (on all sides), between allies, and between soldiers and their civilian countrymen. It does so with humor, sensitivity and grandeur. We see the conflict in human terms, whether through a lazy soldier, a stressed-out commander, or a triumphant volunteer. Also unusual, all the nationalities are played by native actors speaking the various languages, with relevant subtitles.I look forward to seeing more from everyone on this talented team - especially Mr. Taub.
