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Hollywood Round-Up

Hollywood Round-Up (1937)

November. 06,1937
| Western

While filming a western on location, the stand-in/stunt double for an egotistical cowboy movie star proves his heroics when a "fake" bank robbery turns out to be the real thing.


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This story opens on an interesting note. Check out the movie theater marquee for the film starring 'Tex' Drexel called "Tex Rides Again". There's no move that goes by that name in the IMDb database, but the other feature showing at the venue was "The Shadow Strikes" which did come out about the same time as this film in 1937. So that was pretty cool. By the way, I've seen it, and the only connection to the iconic Shadow character is in name only.This was actually a fairly good flick for a B Western, with Buck Jones heading the cast but seeming at times like a support player to Grant Withers' character. This was my first look at actress Helen Twelvetrees who other reviewers have mentioned here that her role took on a real life quality of a leading actress on a downhill slope. She seemed competent enough, but that's about all. Very cool name though. Interestingly, I first came across a Twelvetrees character in some old time comic book series, either 'Turok, Son of Stone' or 'Magnus, Robot Fighter'. If I figure it out, I'll delete the incorrect reference.Westerns about film companies making a Western weren't all that unusual for the Thirties and Forties. Gene Autry appeared in a handful with slightly different story lines in each. They were 1940's "Shooting High", 1941's "Down Mexico Way", and "Sioux City Sue", probably the best of them all released in 1946. The story here has self absorbed leading man Grant Drexel (Withers) opting out of scenes that might cause him physical harm, while going for the facial powder to enhance his appearance after getting slapped by co-star Carol Stevens (Twelvetrees). He was too full of himself for his own good.Say, check out that jail scene right after Buck Kennedy (Jones) gets arrested in a frame up for the bank robbery. When Buck lassoed the sheriff out of his chair and hung him upside down, it looked to me like Buck already had the jail key in his hand because he didn't have to take it off the lawman. That came off as a bit clunky.Well this flick had a creative resolution in as much as Buck uses his lasso one more time to take out the rudder of the bandits' getaway plane, with young sidekick Dickie Stevens catching the whole thing on his film recorder. This might be the earliest movie in which I've seen actor Dickie Jones, who had an uncanny resemblance at ten years old to contemporary Spanky McFarland of all those Our Gang shorts. Seeing him ride a pony in this story along side Buck Jones was an early preview of how competent he became as the Range Rider's sidekick in the early Fifties. Until proved otherwise, I consider Jones the best trick rider I've ever seen in any Western format.

Leslie Howard Adams

One of three films made by Columbia circa 1936-37 based on behind-the-scenes film making with a "western" setting ("The Cowboy Star", "Hollywood Roundup" and "It Happened in Hollywood"), plus RKO weighed in the same year with George O'Brien's "Hollywood Cowboy." It had been done before, RKO's 1933 "Scarlet River", and would be done again, "Shooting High" from 20th Century-Fox and Republic's "Bells of Rosarita", among others with a western setting, but this Coronet production with Buck Jones may well be the best of the lot as it devotes more footage to actual film-making both on studio sets and locations. One out-of-the norm plot incident has the studio head Lew Wallace offering a job to a fading star Carol Stevens, with a semi-apology for casting her in what he calls an "outdoor special" and she calls a "horse opry", and this scene in a B-western leaves no doubt that the B-western and it people were near the bottom of Hollywood's pecking order. The stereotypes are there, with Shemp Howard's over-zealous "assistant director" (who does calm down and gets more real when he loses his whistle), the ego-ridden "star" in Grant Drexel, and the deserving-to-be-the-star relegated to stand-in and stunts Buck Kennedy, but the remaining crew and player roles are realistic (especially the real stuntmen playing stuntmen). Buck Kennedy is the stand-in and double for star Grant Drexel and is fired when he has a fight with the bullying Drexel over Drexel's treatment of leading lady Carol Stephens. The movie company is on location, and a group of gangsters led by Eddie Kane and Lester Dorr, posing as another movie company, come to the location town and talk the banker into letting them film a fake holdup in his bank, but the holdup is real and the out-of-work Buck, whom they hire as the fall guy to cover their getaway, is left holding the bag and jailed by town sheriff Slim Whitaker. Things get worse for Buck before they get better. A mid-point sequence has hotel clerk George R. Beranger, who dreams of being a western star, performing a twittering, ballet-slippering audition for the checking-in film company by quoting lines from a western and asking them to identify the film. Shemp Howard guesses "Little Women."


There is a rather strange scene early on in this picture.the character played by Helen Twelvetrees goes to see the studio boss initially to complain that she has not made a picture for the studio in over a year.In reality Twelvetrees only made this film in 1937.The boss then admits that she had had 4 box office failures in a row and therefore he wanted her to go into this western.In reality Twelvetrees was virtually at the end of her film career with only a couple more films to go.Bearing in mind of course that between 1929 and 1936 she had appeared in around 30 films.So one can only assume that someone at Columbia had a malicious sense of humour or was paying off for past insults.Based on her performance in this film it is difficult to understand why her star slipped so quickly.She would probably be completely unknown now if it weren't for her unusual surname.This is an entertaining film with the bonus of a behind the scenes look at how B Westerns were made in the 30s.Well worth a look.

Neil Doyle

Columbia seemed intent on making B-films about westerns being shot in Hollywood and the behind-the-scenes glimpses throughout the story that are supposed to be a point of interest.Trouble is the script offers nothing in the way of real entertainment. BUCK JONES is a cowboy doubling for big western star GRANT WITHERS, a conceited hunk of muscle in love with HELEN TWELVETREES. Despite a name that makes you blink, Twelvetrees is quite forgettable as an actress and the rest of the cast is sub-par in that department too.Little DICKIE JONES (he was the voice for "Pinocchio" in the Disney classic), plays a wannabee cowboy who helps get Buck Jones out of a jam when he's mistakenly thought to be part of a bank robbery. Everything is straightened out for the last reel, but by this time most viewers will find the whole tale mighty predictable. The bit with the airplane and the dramatic attempt to get the gangsters from flying off in their plane is about as far-fetched as anything else in the story.I reckon you can skip this one without missing anything.
