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Against All Flags

Against All Flags (1952)

December. 24,1952
| Adventure

A British naval officer fights pirates in Madagascar.


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Damaris Steele

Errol Flynn was well past his prime when this film was made in the early 1950s, but the charm is still there, and you could not ask for better in the rest of the cast, Anthony Quinn, Maureen O'Hara and Mildred Natwick, among others.A delightful, well written and frequently witty pirates movie.


Against All Flags is a daft high seas adventure but is rather fun although the plot does not stand up to much scrutiny and some of the pirates characters are lacking any kind of consistency.Errol Flynn, looking a little old and portly plays Hawke, a British naval sailor going undercover to infiltrate the pirates. Anthony Quinn is suspicious of him making you wonder why Quinn did not just kill Hawke and the lovely and fiery Maureen O Hara is Spitfire Stevens, a lady pirate in the High Seas who somehow up to know has managed to get Quinn's grimy hands off her or all the other male sailors.O Hara immediately gets the hots for Hawke and both actors seem to have good chemistry. In the mix comes a ship sailing from India carrying a princess who also also falls for Hawke and brings some comic relief but also happens to be daft as a brush.The film is beautifully made in technicolour and both O Hara and the Princess look lovely. Quinn is snarling and Flynn is a gentleman on screen at least.Plenty of fights, battles and although some of the ship based scenes look like they were filmed in a studio its entertaining enough but in a daft way as the script and characterisation is nonsense.


"London Blackout Murders" director George Sherman's formulaic seafaring voyage "Against All Flags" was actor Errol Flynn's final swashbuckler on the high seas against marauding pirates. Indeed, the title sums up the nature of piracy. Wicked pirates pit themselves against all flags when they hoist the skull and crossbones. Nothing really special stands out in the predictable screenplay penned by "Essex and Elizabeth" scenarist Æneas MacKenzie and "At Sword's Point" scribe Joseph Hoffman. This is one of those daring 18th century escapades where the intrepid hero infiltrates the ranks of the pirates. Basically, two kinds of movies like "Against All Flags" exist. The first example is when the filmmakers explain ahead of time that their hero has committed no iniquity and plans to undermine an opponent with false information. In the second example, the true identity of the hero is not revealed until the final reel. "Against All Flags" exemplifies the first example. As the heroine, auburn-haired Maureen O'Hara enlivens this epic with another one of her ardent performances. Anthony Quinn projects a commanding presence and his use of gestures to reinforce his character is good. Compared to his earlier Warner Brothers' sea spectacles, this budget-minded Universal-International Pictures' release isn't half as spectacular. Lenser Russell Metty makes sure that all this nonsense benefits from his elegant Technicolor cinematography. The closest that "Against All Flags" comes to being unsavory are the repeated threats to relegate prisoners to the tide stakes. These tide stakes are planted in the shoal waters of the reef. Before the tide rises sufficiently high enough to drown the unfortunate fellow, the hungry crabs will have feasted on the prisoners. "Against All Flags" unfolds at sea with the following prologue: In 1700 A.D., the Pirate Republic of Libertatia on the island of Madagascar was a constant menace to the rich trade routes to India. Several days sail is the British merchant ship 'Monsoon.' The British Navy is determined to wipe out the heavily armed stronghold of pirates on the island. British Navy Lieutenant Brian Hawke (a mature Errol Flynn of "Captain Blood") and two sailors—gunner's mate Harris (John Alderson of "Violent Saturday") and topman Jones (Phil Tully of "All the King's Men")--pose as deserters and take a longboat to the island. "I don't like the cut of your sail," Captain Roc Brasiliano (Anthony Quinn of "Larceny, Inc.") opines when he lays eyes initially on Hawke. Brasiliano suspects that Hawke may be a spy, while hot-tempered beauty Prudence 'Spitfire' Stevens (Maureen O'Hara of "Sinbad the Sailor") finds herself sexually attracted to Hawke. Brasiliano wants proof that Hawke is a deserter. One of Brasiliano's gnarly-looking pirates inspects Hawke's back where our hero received twenty terrible lashes by a cat o' nine tails. The pirate had served on the East Indian Company ship Monsoon and he recognizes the distinctive handiwork of Flogger Flower (Dave Kashner of "High Lonesome") who delivered the punishment. Prudence cannot wait to get her hands on Hawke, so Brasiliano orders him to serve as his navigator on the ship Scorpion. The secret defense of Madagascar is the point of Hawke's mission. He must spike the cannons defending the island so the Royal Navy can sail into port and blast away with broadsides at the moored pirate vessels. Hawke learns not long after he is accepted amongst the pirates that a map of the cannon emplacements hangs in the bedroom and he memorizes the positions while he is instructing Prudence about the make-up that women wear in proper society. Prudence's father was a well-known pirate and he created the gun emplacements. Meanwhile, when Hawke isn't romancing the fiery Prudence, he is following Captain Brasiliano's orders. Instead of allowing Hawke to horn in on his relationship with Prudence, Brasiliano makes Hawke his navigator. They attack a royal Indian ship and is carrying Princess Patma (Alice Kelley of "Buckaroo Sheriff of Texas") and her mistress, Molvina MacGregor (Mildred Natwick of "Yolanda and the Thief"). Brasiliano sets the Indian ship afire and MacGregor appeals to Hawke because the princess is still aboard the burning ship. Hawke rescues her and gives the princess a kiss that leaves the poor girl stunned beyond imagination. Afterward, every time that the princess lays eyes on Hawke, she begs for another kiss. "Again," she pleads. This becomes a running joke throughout "Against All Flags." Ultimately, George Sherman qualifies as a competent enough director, but he lacks the artistic flair of director Michael Curtiz. Curtiz helmed all of Flynn's early swashbucklers, starting with "Captain Blood," and Flynn assumed the significance of a larger-than-life hero. Little about "Against All Flags" is larger-than-life. Everything approves rather second-rate in this costumer. You know in some scenes that the gorgeous looking sailing ships are brightly lighted models in a massive studio tank. The close quarters combat scenes aboard the ships are staged with a modicum of verve. Of course, Hawke and Stevens will get out of it alive, but Brasiliano isn't as fortunate. Quinn excels as the villainous Brasiliano, and O'Hara is funny the more she gets riled up about the amorous Hawke. Happily, this 83-minute movie never wears out its welcome.


If you like pirate films, you shouldn't miss this one. "Against All Flags" is not a great film of the genre, but it is entertaining and enjoyable.It has all the ingredients. Battles at sea, the hero, the villain, the hero's romantic interest, the final sword duel, good settings and color and special effects are very good too (don't forget we are in the early 50's).I think the cast helps a lot if not for outstanding performances (there are not very demanding roles) but for actors that were symbols in this kind of movie. Errol Flynn -probably the all time swashbuckler- was aging here but he still had his unique screen presence. Maureen O'Hara was often casted in adventure films and her undeniable beauty was always welcome. And Anthony Quinn -not a major star back then, but a classical villain- was on his way.Pure pirate adventure; no more, but no less.
