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Daemonium: Soldier of the Underworld

Daemonium: Soldier of the Underworld (2015)

November. 05,2015
| Action Science Fiction

The story of Daemonium begins in an alternate universe to ours, in which magic and technology coexist with humans and demons. A powerful family hires a band of mercenaries and forces Fulcanelli, a wizard and con artist, to invoke a demon with the purpose of gaining even more power. Of course, things go terribly wrong. The wizard escapes and the demon slaughters the mercenaries, with the exception of Razor. He’s the one who seals the deal to become lord of the criminal underworld. The family kidnaps Lisa, his pregnant wife, and turns her into a merciless killing machine and the spear point of their offensive against Razor. But she’s not the only threat to the crime lord. It’s only a question of time before the demon returns to claim Razor’s soul. Fulcanelli seems to be the key to stopping the demon and Razor sends out his band of sexy killer robots to find him.


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Daemonium is a strange film. It sets out to do something ambitious: tell a story about good versus evil in a strange world slightly different to our own in an inventive way. Does it succeed? Sort of.The story-telling here is non-linear, and jumps around. This can be brilliant if done well. In this case, it sort of works, however the pieces of the story don't quite fit together at the end, which denies the audience the moment of revelation when everything fits together. At the same time, there clearly is a set timeline there, which leaves the audience frustrated by the plot rather than with a sense of wonder at the bizarreness of it all, as with Un Chien Andalou.Some of the visuals are great. There's one scene where a character has a vision of what has happened in the past, and the way it's shot actually manages to emulate the visual feel of TV programs from the past, such as Star Trek. The visual theme also feels consistent throughout the film.Most of the film is okay. The acting is all either good or okay, with none standing out as particularly bad. Some of the fight scenes are entertaining and exciting. However, towards the end the quality of these scenes begins to drop significantly. The big final fight scene in particular is a big let-down, looking more comical than dramatic.The camera-work needs improving. There is an overuse of Dutch angles, particularly in the opening scene, some of the editing is too choppy, and shakey camera shots happen far too often. So overall, I'm not sure about this one. It has some interesting ideas and has the guts to try them, but it's let down in several places by bad camera-work, or plot inconsistencies. So I give it a 6/10, because there were a lot of good and inventive ideas about both the story and execution. However, not all of these paid off, and other elements, such as the final battle, weren't given the attention they needed.


We watched this as a group that enjoys horrible movies. This movie is beyond any word used to describe horrible. God awful and pure crap are too good for this film. The best we could figure out is this atrocious excuse for a flick is that someone took something from just about every sci-fi and horror film/TV show and blended them all together. Yes, there is even anime references and plenty of over the top cheesiness. I myself wanted to delete what IMDB has for a plot and rewrite it to say "Absolutely none". We all believe this was all filmed, edited and produced on a used iPhone 7 and iPad for special effects. If you know you have 2 hours left to live you should watch paint dry or water boil long before you consider ever watching this slop.


First off I must say I really enjoyed this movie and the inventive the props and costumes, as well as all the classic horror/thriller homages, and nerdy cultural references (I mean the whole magician seen looked like they took people from Comic Con, and many people in this movie make stuff for conventions like it).Razor starts out as a humble soldier hired into an elite gang of mercenaries (The Wolf Pack) protecting/serving a prestigious government official in a post-apocalyptic Spain. This government official seeks to trade the new Satanic Messiah's corpse to a powerful Archdemon in exchange for power. He breaks the rules for negotiating with demons, showing disrespect and angering him, resulting in his own death and almost the entire wolf pack, save Cortes 'The Wolf' himself (saved by Fulconi's magic, essentially playing possum) and Razor, who naively makes the deal instead. The Archdemon gives Razor demonic power by marring his flesh (similar to the Messiah), but in the process this warps his mind and personality. Razor begins calling himself Razorback and begins a bloody coup, taking almost complete control of Spain, leaving his pregnant wife, Lisa, at home. Mimicking his own ritual, Razorback has cursed his best soldiers (which is why they also have white eyes). The official's wife and a rebel squadron kidnap Lisa with the plan of forcing Razorback's hand.After month's of torture (and a miscarriage), it becomes clear that Razorback no longer cares for her, so their best assassin Arteeka trains Lisa with the promise of revenge against her ex-husband. She becomes Shabira (a sexy bondage ninja), and while trying to infiltrate Razorback's training compound assists in killing Ursula (his second-in- command). Upon seeing the box's marking on a rebel, Razorback becomes curious and eventually discovers the truth: That the Messiah's corpse will eventually be reborn in Hell, giving the Archdemon immense power, and allowing him to freely crossover and rule the world. The time he has left is represented by the dual helix blood hourglass. Furious, Razorback hunts down every magician he can find and orders them to slow or reverse the process. Unfortunately, they only speed it up (he is pained at each incremental drain of life force), so he executes them all.He then changes tactics, building up arms, and seeking to summon the demon again before he reaches full power, and to kill him first. Thus he targets Falconi and puts up a random. Cortes' goons find Falconi in the slums, and he narrowly escapes capture, teleporting himself and Rebecca to the middle of nowhere. It is here he describes how she came to be. She is actually the Archangel Azazel, who came down to conquer Earth. When the Messiah made the original pact with the devil, he gave their magic to humans and used it to imprison her, as she was too powerful to kill at the time (decimating her legion afterwards). Razorback freed her, cut off her wings, surgically wiped her mind, and created three autonomous clones of her (claiming she was one as well).Falconi tries to contact the rebels and stop Razorback's plan but ends up getting turned over instead, and the entire rebel faction is wiped out. Razorback summons the Archdemon, only to have his demonic powers taken away and the demon-hybrid soldiers revolt. Most of his forces die as well (including Kato), leaving Rebecca to fight the demon. Her powers gradually awaken, leading the demon to go Super Saiyan and a fight straight out of your favorite fighting game. Rebecca regains her memories and is about to kill everyone else, when her schoolgirl clone stops her. This reminds Azazel of her kindred angels (and Rebecca's kindred droids), but is a trap to kill her before she finishes regrowing her wings and regaining her power.I don't know why people had such a hard time following this, quite honestly. I only rate it a 9 because it was a bit melodramatic, and there wasn't enough magic. Regardless how you feel about the movie, I think we can all agree that Caro Angus is one of the sexiest beings on the planet.


This movie is a perfect example of when you have a good cast, and good spec fx budget, costumes stunts etc but absolutely no story.All this movie is - a collection loosely kludged together fight scenes involving drug deals going wrong - instead of drugs, it is magic and demonic stuff.I forgot to count how many because of the sometimes lengthy fight scenes that followed.plus whomever wrote the screen play had no research on the angels and demons that were in the movie.If you like demons doing kung fu - (I wonder how they all learn kung fu in hell?) then this movie is definitely for you
