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Pups (1999)

April. 18,1999
| Drama Action Thriller Crime

When troubled teen boy Stevie (Cameron Van Hoy) and his girlfriend, Rocky (Mischa Barton), attempt to rob a bank without any forethought, the situation rapidly deteriorates. Soon the young couple is holding bank customers and employees hostage, while law enforcement gathers outside. Daniel Bender (Burt Reynolds), a veteran negotiator for the FBI, is charged with assessing the crime scene and ending the standoff as quickly as possible, but Stevie's short fuse considerably complicates matters.


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Pups is sad and disturbing and a very powerful and real tale about two lovers, mislead youths, where the high strung boyfriend who's wired wrong, on the spare of the moment, decides to rob a bank, dragging his girlfriend, (Barton) along. We know how these drama's ensue, where like Dog Day Afternoon, the movie becomes a one set peace, steered by a great youthful performance. Pups is so bloody entertaining, where there are unavoidable amateur moments: indie attributes, but it's not a film than can be overlooked. May'be the kid should of picked another day to rob the bank, as there are some real nauseating types, whether customers or staff, two in particular. The high point for me, is the blowing bubble scene, and Barton can really pull beer down. Too, Reynolds, very good here, as the negotiator really forms a friendship, with our troubled gunman or gun kid, I should say. But here's a young voice that needs to be heard and every moment this young actors on screen, it is. His performance grips us, frighteningly disturbing you would say, as to where this kid's future's heading, and it's not good. Barton is very good too. Here's a frank drama, you shouldn't miss, whether any age, with some really unintentional humorous moments. More so kids in the teen bracket. May'be script wise, it needed a little bit more, but the so so dialogue really comes off, more real than fictional, which only makes the movie that more compelling.


This film was worth seeing. It tackled the issue of gun violence among youths head-on and was very witty and thoroughly entertaining. Cameron Van Hoy, as Stevie, puts forth a tremendous performance and has amazing presence in front of a camera, bringing to our attention the very real anger and emotion of this young, fragile looking boy. Rocky, a young Mischa Barton, is very full of wit and is very corrupt in her innocence as well, and their dialog is clever and amusing. Their relationship projects the idea that they have grown up too fast, which makes sense in today's world. The emotional connection that each of the hostages (who's individual characters are also developed very well in this movie) make with each other and with Stevie and Rocky is heartwarming, and the way this movie comes together is brilliant and shocking. Considering that it was so low-budget, i think everyone involved did a fantastic job. It even has Burt Reynolds. My rating: 7/10


I found Misha Bartons character to lack substance! In fact a lot of her character's do (yes even 'the OC') She doesn't know how to act and yes she has a good body but her acting skills are dreadful!Although it had say 2 "big" names in it, this movie - ultimate low budget and not to mention the script was boring - was completely crap!I think the writer just wanted to put as many swear words as possible in to the movie just to make it more interesting!Although the thought of most of the things that were brought the viewers attention in the movie were real life struggles people have to deal with I just found it all a little bit too much!but all in all, i can't believe I watched the whole thing! lol


I thought of Pups as a good movie. So what if it has bad acting. So what if they blur out F*** in every sentence. I liked it! I know most people hate it, and I know why and I respect your Opinions, but some people need to be a little open minded sometimes. Misha Barton is a great actress...but she was so bad in this film. And believe it or not....Burt Renolds was good in it. Has This world gone mad!!!My Rating: 8/10
