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Karl the Butcher vs. Axe

Karl the Butcher vs. Axe (2010)

May. 05,2010
| Horror Action

2023 and Karl The Butcher Jr Returns from hell after 25 years, and is on a mission to kill a new butcher, Axe. But the world he returns to is in devastation, civilization is split between gangs, including the Gang loco, The Others, the tyrant Queen Scara, The Black Monks, and of course, the nomads Axe and his sister Vendetta whose family history is unknown. An ultra-violent journey in a wasteland awaits...


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2023. Notorious serial killer Karl the Butcher gets released from hell so he can join forces with fellow infamous psycho Axe and take on a grotesque array of brutal gangs in a violent post-apocalyptic society.Writers/directors Andreas Schnaas and Timo Rose really go for broke with this enjoyably loopy piece of blithely demented splatter trash: We've got tacky dimestore CGI (not so) special effects, some tasty gratuitous distaff nudity, hammy overacting (Eileen Daily cops the grand eye-rolling histrionic booby prize here with her scenery-munching portrayal of the ruthless Queen Scara), ineptly staged fights, amusing touches of cheerfully crass humor (a group of female warriors have a gross penchant for drinking semen from their male captors!), and an enormous body count. Naturally, Schnaas and Rose pour on the excessive over-the-top gore with infectious glee complete with decapitations, dismemberment, throat slashings, castration, and blood spurting everywhere with pleasing regularity. A total wacky hoot.

Michael Ledo

The year is 2029 following an unnamed apocalypse. The world is divided into groups and Axe is butchering people at a rate that will surpass Karl. Karl comes back from hell to kill the Axe because...okay I don't think too hard on that. The film is better than 1 and 3. It has a camp and grindhouse style.This fourth film is in English rather than German with subtitles. I guess Karl learned English while in hell.Guide: F-word and nudity


It is impossible to describe how pathetically inept this movie is.It begins with what is presumably an attempt at a joke.. a carved pumpkin appears accompanied by the theme from Halloween. Then a title card appears reading sorry, wrong movie. Whatever you think about Halloween you will be wishing you were watching that instead. Magdalena Kelly is the only person of any value in this tripe. She is pretty, has some modicum of talent and performs well in her fight scenes.What she's doing in this crap is a mystery. I suspect that Timo Rose looked up the definition of talent in a dictionary and decided he wanted nothing to do with it.Various members of Gang Loco are played by people who were cast simply because they look weird. There involvement in the plot consists of wandering about with plastic machine guns before being summarily killed.The Mock-Wai tribe is a gang (3) of ageing pornstars played by Eileen Daly, Eleanor James and Marysia Kay. For some inexplicable reason they drain captive men of their semen. Eileen then drinks it, in a grotesque and badly acted scene. It is impossible to choose which of the three females is the least talented but the three worst performances ever committed to celluloid belong to them.There is no plot of any kind. The action scenes are pathetically amateurish. The gore, effects and make-up is laughable. Avoid.


The Violent Sh*t movies are amazing. I mean, they aren't GOOD, per say, but they are pretty entertaining. Andreas Schnaas has pretty much gotten better with each new film he has done, and now that Schnaas and Timo Rose have joined forces, it's a gore fan's dream. Unrated The Movie was a bit disappointing to me - but Karl the Butcher vs. Axe does not disappoint. It has all the hyper violence any fan of the genre could ask for. Though, in my opinion, not as good as Nikos the Impaler, this one comes close, and I believe to be one of Schnaas's best films to date, as well as Rose's. It's funny, ridiculous, gory, offensive, and fun. A must see for any fans of German splatter. The last 20 minutes is just pure gore. This one does not disappoint!
