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Good for Nothing

Good for Nothing (2012)

May. 09,2012
| Adventure Action Comedy Western

GOOD FOR NOTHING is an adventurous romp set in the sweeping Old West from Mike Wallis in his directorial debut. Inspired by the Spaghetti Westerns and celebrating the Western genre with an interesting twist, the film follows an odd romance and the resulting emotional confusion of an outlaw who reluctantly develops strong feelings for a woman he has kidnapped.


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If Quentin would stop with all the dialog and let his actors do their jobs, it would be more like this. The visuals remind me of Unforgiven with WAY more humor. The idea of a cowboy worried about his junk not working is gleefully funny. I never knew ANY part of NZ looked like this, looks like parts of Southern AZ by the San Pedro river (you saw it in Tombstone during Wyatt and Josie's ride and the shootout at the creek). Added this to my western collection. Like to see Inge in more roles but it's tough when, to get in one, you have to be a producer. Well worth 90+ minutes of your time!


Saw this movie and thought it was fantastic. Just not your ordinary western but a realistic look at some of the trappings of living in the "old west". If you are into movies...particularly westerns you will love this movie. The scene with the Indian store keeper shooting arrows at our hero is all too real. The scenery and the locale is part of this wonderful movie. The heroine was low key and for her first movie she did a good job. I had to look up everyone involved with the making of this movies so to see the hands behind a work of art. I highly recommend it. Make sure you see it with some one who enjoys these new realistic look at the west. Not some Hollywood set but out in the open wilderness.


Good for Nothing... I saw the first poster, then the first teaser, and then the trailer, and I waited expecting something like "Silverado" or "Open Range", or maybe a Clintstwoodsque movie. Then I read the reviews, some of them so unfavorable, that when I finally got to the movie I was ready for disappointment… western- hell, no! Would I see this movie again? YES! I have been "training" my daughter into the world of movies worth to watch, she begin her "studies" as a kid with Casablanca, Grease, Silverado, and now I have to introduce her to this one, why? You may ask... to enjoy the performance of this actor called Cohen Holloway, whose character is a dumb-ass-cold blooded-impotent-kidnapper-killer, that seemed to be a born loser. Some did not like this movie, well, so many did not like "Unforgivable", why? Because it did not fall into the "Duke" category, or the Sergio Leone "Spaghetti Western", my point? This is a story that could have been set in the gangster era or in a drug fueled scenery. Regardless of the settings, it's a story written (and directed) in a way of those movies that are just unforgettable, it's that so that when I get older I will keep remembering the ending... I could spoil it for you…, instead, I will just say: do not expect the romance to blossom, be ready for a less fortunate "Rick Blaine" (who walks away unharmed), and certainly not "Ilsa Lund", here the "heroine" is indifferent and detached of compromising even with herself, yes ,you won't get the so clichéd happy ending. After being warned, get ready to get "Shane" in a more Shakespearean way. If you are willing to give a chance to this well-made movie, be aware that this is not your USA, production, Mexican or Italian, heck, not even "The Good the Bad and the Weird" this movie stands on its very own, even the soundtrack is great! As I say sometimes: "if you really understand movies, you have to watch this, so put your expectations outside the door and enjoy".

Andrew Miller

Good For Nothing stands out as one of the most enjoyable Westerns from the past thirty years. In tone and spirit its close to the classic Sergio Leone-Clint Eastwood Spaghetti westerns. Director/Writer Mike Wallis has done a great job staying true to the genre while delivering an entertaining story full of unique twists to all of the classic scenes. Cohen Holloway plays the classic western anti-hero perfectly, with the added problem of dealing with erectile dysfunction - well his character anyway. Inge Rademeyer breaks the mold of the 'damsel in distress', bringing a complexity and substance with her performance to a role that traditionally has little to offer. Her and the director have built the role into a real-world character. Western fans should definitely seek this one out, its well worth it.
