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Sawney: Flesh of Man

Sawney: Flesh of Man (2012)

August. 22,2012
| Horror

Religious psychopath Sawney stalks Scotland abducting unholy souls for his communion of sacrifices. With his insane family of inbred killers, Sawney tortures and eats their victims saving the best morsels for a chained-up figure in their cavernous Highlands lair. As the Missing Persons list rises investigative crime journalist Hamish MacDonald writes sensational and damming headlines against the police, due to their incompetence in handling the case. After his fiancée is kidnapped by the cannibal clan Hamish investigates the heinous crimes on his own with disastrous results. For there’s something he doesn’t know about the case that’s crucial to solving it…


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A journalist covering the case of a gruesome murder in Scotland, is lured deeper into the story...and a trap. As he happens upon the last remnants of an ancient clan of cannibals.They were almost wiped out...but one member survived and the clan lived on. It now consists of the elder Sawney, two deformed parkour kids, a midget zombie, a guy named Bill who works as a police detective, and their mother...who will eat literally anyone.And he must fight for his life, if he wants to survive.While, entertaining enough...it has some major flaws. Mainly, the timeline surrounding the abduction of his girlfriend, and him happening upon the cannibals...that just did not make sense at all. The cinematography is really amateur too, but the scenery is absolutely gorgeous.There is lots of gore in this. You could tell they were really going for something like Wolf Creek, but they just didn't quite pull it off. Sawney comes off as mostly humorous...though twisted and ruthless. And, while it does have a creep factor to it...it's not particularly scary.The scenery really makes this film. The outdoor shots are absolutely stunning. And they make pretty good use of it, having the cannibals living out in the boonies, with an escape/chase scene, and all.It's not the best movie or anything, but it's entertaining to sit through...though it's no Wolf's Creek.5 out of 10.

Peter Pluymers

Without much expectations I started watching this movie and I must say in the end I was somewhat surprised. Indeed it's an acceptable horror-slaughter movie but it's not necessary for me to see it again.There were no thrills and there's no sign of any excitement. It was as bloody as what you see lying in the window of the local butcher. Also frights are hard to find. The chicken made ​​an effort, but that was just a long shot. The torture scenes are only limited to some cutting and biting. And I suppose there was a rape. I had read a couple of times on IMDb that this movie wasn't for "the faint hearted". Honestly, if this movie is a bit to much for you, then I suppose you'll faint when seeing a nosebleed, because this was really so meager. There was some cannibalism, but this was limited to the squeezing of a type of drip filled with blood into a wine glass, after which it was consumed, and biting into either a still living specimen either in a severed piece of meaningless quivering flesh."Sawney" was a faint duplicate of Leatherface from "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre", without a fleshly mask, assisted by two by inbreeding deformed Ninja Turtles who tumble around all the time and do some jobs here and there. And then there is a sort of "Mother" locked up who must be fed constantly with meaty chunks and limbs covered with a nice bloody sauce.It may sound rather disappointing and droopy, but I still enjoyed watching this movie. It looked pretty real sometimes and it wasn't that abominably bad. Feeney gave a convincing performance as the hard liquor boozing journalist and Hayman was a convincing Catholic butcher. The religious bias I found amusing ("body and blood of Christ" philosophy).I really wished that the plot twist wouldn't be the one I had in mind, but eventually it was anyway. Bit sad because it was a little bland.More reviews at http://opinion-as-a-moviefreak.blogspot.be/


Okay, so I just finished watching this movie and I cannot believe that I only fast-forwarded once or twice. Lord of Darkness is a movie about Sawney Bean's clan. This is suppose to be based on a true event. In an attempt to verify this story, I looked it up. This is actually based on a (potential) myth. There are no verifying accounts based on missing victims and supposedly the clan killed about 1000 people before being caught.Lord of darkness is centered on the "fact" that one person escaped and has made it to the 21st century. The movie itself has an interesting story line, but could have done without the inbred parkour "minions". Those scenes are funny to me. There are several scenes that are interesting and are acted well. Overall, this is not a horrible movie, but it doesn't come close to any nominations either.There is a lot of gore, so if that's the genre you are looking for, then you found it! However, if you are looking for a horror story, then skip this movie, There is nothing scary about it. The creepiness factor is high throughout this movie, but there is nothing special to comment on. I give this film a 4/10.


YES, YES, YES.....If you're looking for the perfect Scottish pub to take your lassie to then have I got the place for you. The name of the pub is called...."McDONGLE'S". This highland horror house is the creation of hip hop chopmaster Sawney. This place has everything...a head on a stick, a Waterboardman licking contest and COCO BUSTING...That's that thing where you poke a Scottish cop from behind. Also inside you'll find a pair of hooded Parkour ninja brothers DJ'ing with a real life CHINSMIDGET. That's that thing where you have a chainsawing Scottish midget. So hurry on up to the Highlands for a Killer time...STEFAN.Seriously, much better than anticipated. The cinematography and location sets were almost as breath taking as Sawney and the family. The writing, camera work and the dialogue were better than average for this genre. This is a good horror flick worthy of watching.
