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Ghosts of Darkness

Ghosts of Darkness (2017)

March. 01,2017
| Horror

Two paranormal investigators are unexpectedly thrown together in the hope of solving a 100 year mystery. Locked for three nights in a house with a dark and unsettling past, the two investigators must put their differences to one side and work together. They soon discover the myths and stories are nothing compared to what actually resides within the eerie walls of Richwood Manor. Scepticism and showmanship are soon put to one side when the two investigators realise there is more at stake than just their professional reputation. For once they have stumbled onto the real thing, but this time it's their own lives at stake.


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Paul Magne Haakonsen

When I got the chance to sit down and watch "Ghosts of Darkness", it was without knowing a single thing about the movie. I didn't know what it was about, nor did I know who was starring in the movie. I only knew, well assumed actually, that it was a horror movie based on the DVD cover.The story in "Ghosts of Darkness" was actually quite alright. The movie just suffered from being a low budget movie, you know what I mean here if you actually sit down to watch this movie.The CGI in the movie was rather questionable, but of course that was to be expected from a movie such as this, given the production value and the budget of the movie.The acting performances were good, and the few actors and actresses on the cast list did carry the movie quite well."Ghosts of Darkness" was weighed down by a predictable outcome of the storyline.The house itself was quite interesting and had lots of character, and that was actually one of the best things about the movie.All in all, "Ghosts of Darkness" is hardly worth the time or effort, as there are far, far better horror movies available to pick and choose from.


I wasnt expecting much from this but it was surprisingly good for a low budget movie.Firstly it isnt a horror its a horror comedy.I have always loved Ardgour house where it was filmed and my favourite Scottish Ghost Story movie LORD OF TEARS was also filmed there - If you havent seen it then do so; its a uniquely Scottish chilling ghost story harkening back to the days of Agatha Christie and reminiscent of a James Herbert novel like Ghosts Of Sleath. I dunno whether it was because this film was also filmed at the same location but it also had that old style feel to it which added to my enjoyment.I thought the two main characters performed well although Paul Flannery stole the show for me , his acting was excellent and he was one of those guys who are naturally funny and looked more like Johnny Depp than Johnny Depp does himself these days.This was quite an interesting film with gore akin to higher budget movies; a cross between the Evil Dead and House On Haunted Hill with laughs.Very different and quite funny - It wont split your sides with laughter and it wont scare the pants off you but it will make you smile and the Scottish setting was as always very impressive - The location itself is always up for rental so if you fancy a spooky Scottish getaway I can highly recommend Ardgour house - take this along with you and watch it in the house as we did with both movies and you might just meet the real ghosts!

Claudio Carvalho

The paranormal investigators Jack Donavan (Michael Koltes) and Jonathan Blazer (Paul Flannery) receive a mysterious invitation card to go to the notorious Richmond Manor, where several murders have happened along 200 years. A mysterious butler tells that his boss has invited them to stay for three nights at the mansion to get rid of the label of haunted house. In return, they would receive fifty thousand dollars each. Jack is a skeptical man that uses technology to find frauds while Jonathan is a medium. What will they find in the Richmond Manor?"Ghosts of Darkness" is a flawed low budget haunted house film with many clichés. However with improvements in the storyline and screenplay; a better budget; and replacement of the unconvincing Michael Koltes, this film could work. The result is not good but is not awful at all since Paul Flannery gives some touch of humor to the story. My vote is four.Title (Brazil): Not Available


It still amazes me how people involved in a film can manage to mangle it so bad that it comes off as a joke. Such is the case for "Ghosts of Darkness." I rarely go on about a movie this bad, but I'm going to make an exception here because this movie had potential--the house and its back story. However, given what was put on the screen, you'd never know it.Two paranormal researchers are contacted by a mysterious man who offers them each $50,000 if they can stay in a house with a gruesome history. Jonathan is a medium; Jack is the "I'm-not-going-to- believe-anything-unless-it-bites-me-in-the-ass" dude. If that isn't bad enough, he also has the personality of a fence post. Mystery man takes their cell phones and car keys and tells them they will be locked in for the next 36 hours. They are each given $25,000 up front and told they'll get the remaining $25,000 upon completion of their "project." This is where the film went off track completely, and if you're smart, you'll realize what I'm talking about. For a movie to rely on two people, those people should have some kind of chemistry. That is nowhere to be found. Jonathan acts as though the entire project is a joke. Jack acts as if he's just been hit in the head with a brick. The director couldn't make up his mind if he wanted a comedy or a horror movie and although you can have elements of both in a movie, you need to know how to blend those elements. It also would help if your characters could ACT. It was pretty evident to me the guy cast to play the "tortured soul", a/k/a Jack, couldn't act his way out of a paper bag. The character of Jonathan looked eerily like Gary Oldman's character of Sirius Black (from the Harry Potter movies). Another suggestion is to STOP with this crap of CGI demons. They are not scary and give me an impression you're too lazy to hire real makeup artists. Rated "R" for violence, disturbing images, and language.
