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The Redwood Massacre

The Redwood Massacre (2015)

May. 23,2015
| Horror

​‘THE REDWOOD MASSACRE’ is about five adventurous friends, visiting the legendary murder site of Redwood. It has all the hallmarks of being an exciting and thrilling camping weekend away. They soon discover they’re not the only people in the mysterious location. The fun camping expedition soon turns into a nightmare as they are sadistically stalked by a mysterious unseen killer.


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They didn't show the 2 people getting kidnapped.I fell like the plot was an awful idea. I really enjoy horror movies, but this was just not horror it was very much too unexplained for my taste. Would not recommend to anyone.I understand many people worked hard to make this movie but i think that they just wasted their time and money.

Ash Bowen

This is a complete rip off of a Psycho Holocaust (2009)!! Far too many similarities... including the prowess and demeanor of the characters. In the movie making biz, movies come from a novel, comic, re-make or old TV show... There are so very few originals out there. The last bastion of hope is to copy/steal others ideas in order to make their own. Psycho Holocaust wasn't an award winner, but it was Original based off of horror genre from the 70's/80's. And to steal it's likeness, story, character and feel of what was created is THEFT... If the idea was taken from a big budget Hollywood cut, there would be massive lawsuits. In Short, I see no reason to see this film, as I've already seen the Original!


My title kinda' says it all: this movie almost defies description in its complete stupidity. Premises is well-worn by now: a bunch of 30-year old "teenagers" are off on a camping trip to a legendary house where awful murders occurred. They ALL stumble around (I'm thinking because they lack an opposable thumb) and manage to become live bait for the murderer.The first big problem I had with this movie is that (like many of its genre), it doesn't try to build ANY suspense, tension, atmosphere, or terror. The audience sees the killer in the first few minutes, so they had already flushed that potential scare down the toilet. The second problem was which one of these lame-brains set up this soirée? Nobody knew where anybody else was supposed to be or where this house actually was. And I just have one question that I guess ANYBODY can answer: DOES A CELL PHONE EVER WORK WHEN YOU NEED IT TO? Third BIG problem I had was the characters (even when they managed to break free of their bonds) wanted to do the 100- meter mosey to get out of the house. The fourth problem in this was also the accents, which were either heavy Irish or some sort of heavy Brit brogue. Couldn't understand. My fifth problem was the over-use of blood. It became so overdone, it just had no effect. And if anyone believes you're still going to be alive after being hit mid-back with a heavy blow from an axe, well, you're the one that's stupid.Lastly, there's the heroine who is NEVER in a hurry to get anywhere and who cannot defend herself even when she's holding a double- barrel shotgun. Another reviewer said this movie (to them) looked like all involved at least tried to have a good time. Really? You sure could have fooled me.Unrated for gore and language. NOT RECOMMENDED.


*******SPOILER ALERT - THIS FILM IS SH*TE*******I must admit that I thought I might rather enjoy this movie when it started - given the hammy acting, loud eerie music over every scene and desperate lack of anything you could conceivably call a plot, I thought this might be a decent parody. Believe it or not, this isn't a parody.Quick summary of the 'plot' - a whole bunch of Scottish people get chibbed in the woods by - wooo, spooky! - some c*nt with a sack on his head. At no point is any attempt made to discuss or uncover this individual's motivation, what drives him to kill, or why he has a cock in a jar back at his murder shack - unless you count the brief mention that he's an "evil farmer" (of course!). If you want a chuckle, skip to the laughably absurd storytelling scene where we see a flashback to Jethro butchering his surprisingly obliging family - a particularly awful piece of acting that makes "Xena the Warrior Princess" look as real as "The Wire", and yet another reason why the whole film should have been made a comedy. In my opinion a great opportunity was missed by not including the line "Can I Axe you a question?".As it stands, the only way anyone could see this absolute dross as any kind of achievement is if it was done for a school project. In fact, I strongly suspect that the individual who rated this 10/10 may in fact be the directors mum. Please, stop deluding yourselves that "British film" has to mean "crap film". Watch the b*llocks origin story for a laugh then turn this off and get on with your life.If you thought the acting in your school drama class was a real cultural experience and your enjoy gallons of red paint and plot holes the size of the ginger chick's eyebrows, then this is for you.
