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Here Come the Munsters

Here Come the Munsters (1995)

January. 11,1995
| Horror Comedy Family TV Movie

The Munsters come to America to search for Herman's brother-in-law Norman Hyde, only to find out that he has turned himself into Brent Jekyll, who is running for congress, and Grandpa must make a formula to change Norman back.


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Ok, so I'm 23 years behind. I am a major Munsters fan... only of the original show... until now! Actually, I didn't even know that this movie existed until fairly recently.I was 6 when The Munsters first aired on TV. We watched it whenever the outdoor antenna pulled it in.When I found out about "The Munsters Today" with new actors playing the roles I didn't have any interest in it. The Munsters were Gwynne, Lewis, De Carlo, Priest and Patrick. Period.The more that I've read about some of the original actors in these day of infinite information via the WWW, the more I realized that I"m really more a fan of the characters than the actors (though I will always prefer the originals).I decided to see how bad the replacements were. I was quite surprised. If the original Munsters didn't exist, this would hold it's own very well.The new actors do try to imitate the original actors for the most part so the originals were foundational to the cast for this movie.It was actually very entertaining and funny, especially with the inside jokes which original Munsters fans will get. The guest appearance by Yvonne, Al, Pat and Butch was awesome and seems like a stamp of approval and a passing of the baton.I very much enjoyed the movie and am glad to own it. Nothing will replace the original classic show but "Here Come The Munsters" kept the legacy alive.Now I have to check out "The Munsters Today." I'm catching up.


This film was poorly executed, from the obviously TV movie Production Design to the casting choices, although Hermann did his best to revive the original Herman as portrayed by Fred Gwynne. For me, however, the story just didn't make much sense, and the cameos by the original cast members from the 1964 was painful and embarrassing to watch, proving why they weren't chosen to reprise their roles in the earlier incarnation sitcom "The Munsters Today" in 1988. The only redeemable features for this outing are the appearance of The Munster Koach (although again, it was introduced in a different way), the true to origin makeup and costume, and supporting cast who at points do make it watchable.


I have always been a mad fan of the Munsters. I loved the show when it was on prime time (CBS) from the first time I watched the show in 1964, right till the end when it was canceled in 1966. I even sent a postcard to CBS in protest of the proposed cancellation. (At least I think I did. If I didn't, well, I wish I did. It's the thought that counts, right?)When the Munsters hit the silver screen in 1966 with "Munster Go Home", I made it a point not to miss it when it came to a theater near me! I loved the movie!In 1988, I saw "The Munsters Today". I hated it! The characters may had looked like the original Munsters. But the series was so dry, so bland and so un-funny that it was sheer torture to sit through it. I decided that there was only one "Herman" and only the one and only Fred Gwynne could tackle the role. In 1995, with the memory of "The Munsters Today" still fresh on my mind, I was apprehensive about watching this TV-movie. I was pleasantly surprised. It was really funny! The cast was good.The scene with Herman's first (and last) day as a butler, was classic comedy at its best and alone, well worth the trouble in finding this movie! The surviving members of the original series, making a cameo appearance as "sympathetic customers who thought that Herman, as a waiter, was good", was the icing on the cake. The cast of "Here Come the Munsters", not only succeeded in continuing where the original (1964-66) cast left off, but obviously won the seal of approval from the surviving cast members, whose cameo appearance was the icing on the cake.Could you imagine Al Lewis & company making such an appearance on "The Munsters Today"? I can't. I rest my case!


I've been looking for another Addams Family film for a long time, not finding any. This is the closes I've gotten so far. I've never seen the Munsters TV-series, so I didn't know exactly what to expect.The film started perfectly, with a black and white tribute to old horror films. That sequence was absolutely brilliant in every aspect.However, the rest of the film didn't come close to the excellence of the beginning, in fact it was terribly dull, boring and a complete and utter waste of time.Thanks to the excellent beginning the film still saves a 3 out of 10, but nothing more...
