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Nine Dead

Nine Dead (2010)

March. 09,2010
| Horror Crime Mystery

Communication is the key to the survival for nine strangers who have been kidnapped by a masked gunman and told that one of them will die every ten minutes until they discover how they are all connected. Who of the nine lives and who dies?


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diogo gomes

This review contains SpoilersJust why did they ruined this not so bad at all movie with that ridiculous ending? It was going well till the end. What a St***d way to end really. Don't waste you time here. Kelley lives and kills them all. End. grrrrr


9 people are kidnapped and tied up and told that unless they discover why they are there one of them will be killed every 10 minutes. It's a reasonably familiar tale but it's fun watching them try and discover why they are there. The film features the usual eclectic mix, drug dealer, cops, priest etc. These type of films rely heavily on having interesting characters to watch and although there are plenty of clichés on show, I found the characters pretty entertaining. There isn't any SAW like gore in this film and most of the violence is off screen. I was a bit surprised to see Melissa Joan Hart from Sabrina the Teenage Witch fame in this and she is pretty good in this. The rest of the cast also put in decent believable performances.As the captives piece together the puzzle and the numbers deplete it all winds down a bit to a slightly disappointing climax. The end scene being one of the most abrupt and unexplained I've ever seen. Overall I found this a fairly enjoyable if limited thriller and probably wouldn't rush to watch it again.


This review contains spoiler, please don't read it before watching the movie.I had really high hopes for this movie based on its description. I think it was meant to raise the Saw experience to a whole new level and it did have the potential but failed to deliver. The way 9 strangers try to put together why they got locked in a room handcuffed to a bar was a really good start. However, the thing, mostly the first half was just ridiculous. It started with the time when the bad guy came in and removed their hoods one-by-one and everyone had a line of comment on this. And from now on many of the conversations were just forced and unreal, and most of the people were just completely featureless.The background story was surprisingly coherent, though there are a few questionable points, e.g. how the father find out who the robber kid bought the gun from and how he got the money for that. And a really good idea was that there wasn't too much gore involved. The reason this movie was more a failure that a success for me lies in the characters and the conversations. And I didn't like the ending at all.Conclusion: great ideas, mediocre execution, it won't hurt to check it out.


Clarissa explains it all vs. Saw II : I really don't think there is a better way to sum this movie up. It's not 'horrible' and there are some anecdotes that actually make it a bit funny in a campy way if you are a cynical evil person like myself :) But to explain the above statement, the movie is a reductive of a Saw/Red Room type help captive facing death formula. More interesting than an episode of Criminal Minds, but not much gorier, no truly unique or cool deaths but a few plot twists and turns that are interesting enough to finish watching - if not just to prove to yourself that you are more intelligent than the bozos the film focuses on.A lot of people probably hated the ending, but i thought it was pretty funny and smug. Would have benefited by rolling Britney Spears - Crazy during the end credits. If you haven't seen that video since 1998 - whatever you should look it up.
