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A Dangerous Method

A Dangerous Method (2011)

September. 30,2011
| Drama Thriller

Seduced by the challenge of an impossible case, the driven Dr. Carl Jung takes the unbalanced yet beautiful Sabina Spielrein as his patient. Jung’s weapon is the method of his master, the renowned Sigmund Freud. Both men fall under Sabina’s spell.


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Personnaly, i'm rather Jungian than Freudian because Jung dazzles me with his collective unconscious, mythical knowledge while Freud links all problems to sex. This enlarged scope versus this limited scope is indeed talked in the movie. So far i didn't know that the two worked together and their meting was really interesting to follow. So it was rather a disappointment to learn that their break-up was due essentially about a woman whom Jungs likes to whip ass! It's not the first time (and surely not the last) when a great mind fails stature and private life reveals a much darker person. Anyway this movie has an incredible fantastic four cast: Fassbender is always this deep inside treacherous man, Mortensen shows his natural authority and his ability with cigars, Cassel, despite his beard, looks very much like his late father and his french appetite is true and for sure, Keira has one of her best part ever: always sweet with past fashion, she shows one more time her determination as well her inner weakness as she punches herself into madness! Cronenberg is inspired with his camera and offers us one of his best movies since a lot of years! NB: Jung's study of UFO was amazing to help me grasp that my love for space is a crutch to support me against my fear of death as the two are similar ... As Captain Kirk says Space (death) is the final frontier ... where no man has gone before.


After feeling disappointed with Fassbender's movie "Shame", I decided to give this a watch since himself and Keira Knightley were on this so why not? I swear, Knightly really put on such good emotions for her role that, she doesn't remind me of her as Elizabeth Swan in the "Pirates of the Caribbean". She really does act like a good mental asylum patient that all horror film directors should hire!The sex scenes with her and Fassbender were so genuinely amazing that you would think of them as a real life couple in which they aren't. The fake accents were brilliant as well.Its a really good movie, it is rough at scenes but seeing Knightley and Fassbender working together is just awesome! I give this rating a 8/10!


This is a movie about intelligent people who are trying to elevate their guesses about human nature to the level of a new science. But the fact that they are intelligent doesn't turn their guesses into objective truth, or cause them to become wise, or make them into role models.Let me stop here and say that frankly this is a difficult movie to review partly because it really doesn't conform to expectations. Not that it should. On the one hand these (Jung, Freud, Spielrein, Otto Gross) are people dealing with their own desires for sexuality, power, freedom from social restraint, and so on. On the other hand they are trying to turn their personal insights or ideas into scientific dogmas. On a third hand they are trying to argue about these dogmas with each other while engaging in sex and in power games with each other, so you see people on the screen whose bodies are interacting on a physical level while at the same time carrying on a running intellectualized commentary and discussion on themselves. This is somewhat disconcerting to watch and could easily be developed into a comedic sketch.Another issue for the moviegoer is that the insights of the early psychoanalysts haven't exactly stood up to the inquiries of modern science the way Einstein's theories have. From the modern standpoint - well, mine anyway - the arguments between Spielrein and Freud and Jung about (say) whether the sex instinct is creative or whether it must incorporate the death instinct and embody destruction of the individual ego (more or less) seem to be really a lot like religious arguments in the early Christian church about whether the Spirit proceeds from the Father or not. There are no testable hypotheses, no material referents, just talk. Now, I'm not claiming that the seekers in question are made out to be hypocrites. They are at least somewhat sincere - even Gross, who claims that psychological health is to have as much sex and as little moral restraint as possible. And they aren't charlatans. Spielrein comes to Jung as his patient in a horrible mental state; through his "talking cure" she becomes a respected professional. Of course he also gets into a sexual affair with her. But to be fair psychiatric ethics didn't exist yet, and this is Vienna circa 1906, when professional men like Jung have wives and children and also mistresses apparently as a matter of course, so it's not reasonable to castigate Jung as some kind of exploitative monster towards his patient and towards his wife without mentioning that it was a monstrous time and a monstrous world. It's not as if the camera isn't critical of him.Still, it's fair to say that no matter how sincere they think they are, they are all rationalizing and fooling themselves to some degree, though not so much each other. Freud, for example, who at one point calmly declares that of course he bears no ill will to Jung, he merely can't support Jung's stupid primitive religious idiotic nonsense, or words to that effect. Things like that are interesting and worth seeing the movie for, and the performances are pretty seamless - I really have to put in a shout out to Sarah Gadon who plays Emma Jung with great delicacy. But if you want dramatic progression or a third-act climax (SPOILER) you really won't get any. They go their ways and ultimately you get biographical notes before the end credits. But on the plus side a few days later you may start thinking about issues raised in the film, like, were these people just successful neurotics, or were they intuitive helpers but failures at creating a science, or was their science more successful than that, or were they really sort of like founders of a religion after all? So I'm glad I saw it.

Matthew Carter

Connection is a concept that is often overlooked as something that is necessary to a productive way of life. Not only can meaningful things be accomplished without help but a person needs human connection in order to thrive and be happy. Whether this is personal connection or done through online methods or letters; people yearn for connection. For some it is an absolute priority, they seek out as many friends and acquaintances that they can and for others they prefer a very small circle of friends. The common factor being people are happy when they have someone that they can talk with, and express ideas and most importantly feelings.In the film "Deep Impact", humanity as a whole is faced with the impending doom of a comet colliding with the Earth destroying all life. While the world's governments attempt various plans to stop the comet they all fail until a small group of people are able to sacrifice themselves for the rest of Earth. While at the same time the remaining main characters on Earth are able to find reconciliation among various emotional differences with other people in order to find happiness.This is no coincidence. The title may not refer to the impact of the comet into the Earth but rather that we have deep impact amongst others in our lives. This ranges from all forms of relationship types to at times people that we haven't met. The film encourages the ideas of the importance of art and culture within our society, as well as the meaningfulness of the individual. Everyone is important and should never be reduced to a number in a lottery such as the one within the film.www.filmrhetoric.blogspot.com
