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A Promise

A Promise (2014)

April. 18,2014
| Drama Romance

A romantic drama set in Germany just before WWI and centered on a married woman who falls in love with her husband's teacher. Separated by the war, they pledge their devotion to one another.


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Tis a classic story of forbidden love told throughout the ages from ancient Greece up to the present day.I enjoyed it as much as it goes, with excellent performances from the cast. I would have liked to have seen more of the young theatre talent Shannon Tarbet, who plays the initial girlfriend of the protagonist.I thought that to update it for the modern audience an odd plot twist would have been good, especially for the men who might find this story somewhat ponderous.A must for those who like Jane Austen, male viewers may fall asleep!


We are in Germany before World War I. Karl Hoffmeister (Alan Rickman) is the aging and ailing husband of young Lotte (Rebecca Hall). He is also an industrial magnate in need of a successor. Enter Friedrich (Richard Madden), a metallurgist with a head for business. He is soon welcomed not only into the industry but into their home. What follows is 90 minutes of Lotte and Friedrich stealing looks at each other, and Karl catching them at it-- at looking, that is, because that is just about the full extent of their indiscretion.The War is the catalyst which sends Friedrich overseas to mine magnesium. Karl remains at home, dying, and Lotte watches. There's a lot of watching in this movie, and not a lot of plot. You would not miss much if you kept your thumb on fast-forward.The problem with love stories is that they require chemistry between the lovers. There is no chemistry here. Literally, none. Rebecca Hall plays Lotte with an abundance of poise and dignity, and no small amount of charm. She's the animated one. Richard Madden, on the other hand, has a handsome but empty face. He wears his one blank expression throughout the movie. Except for the rare instances when he laughs, he is blank-- as blank when he's talking about war profiteering as he is blank when his crotch is being fondled by his high-spirited and adorable mistress (Shannon Tarbet), who calls him Fritz and disappears from the film early. Whatever feelings of desire come through are generated by the audience-- for me, that was a desire for the two of them to get on with things, or for the movie to end.The key scene-- the one with actual insight into the emotional landscape adults muddle through --is effective, however, because it captures how very strange estrangement is when, with passing time, it displaces love. When Friedrich returns from overseas, after a decade, he and Lotte have become virtual strangers. The war has interrupted even their correspondence. They must take for granted, somehow, that they were once devoted to each other, if they are to live happily ever after. It is a worthy scene, but the scenes that come before, and even after, are too long in the telling, with too little told, and too little feeling touching the heart.


I was riveted by Hall's performance and character. It is the first movie I have viewed her in and have subsequently viewed some of her other movies - this being my favourite.I'm surprised more people didn't enjoy the romance. I found the scenes intense and moving. Both the main characters were humble and deep in their feelings towards each other. I found the restraint displayed between them - despite the depth of their feeling - gave the characters a particular dignity - especially that of Charlotte. I loved the subtleties in her expressions which displayed a greater depth of love and emotion for Frederick than she was able to express.I enjoyed the movie far better than the book. Unfortunately I found the ending a let down to the film overall; although there was a build up to their meeting it lacked the passion and feeling their eventual meeting could of and should have had. Still better than the book though; and I can appreciate that the build up during Frederick's absence showed the depth of feeling Charlotte had for Frederick despite the years of separation.I rated the film a 10 despite its flaws because I disagree with the harsh general ratings and enjoyed it so much I had to watch my favourite scenes over and over.

Vicki Hopkins

It is probably a matter of personal taste when watching a story of forbidden love as to how it is portrayed. There have been many that have gone before "A Promise" that have moved readers and audiences alike. Frankly, it's old tale of elderly man, young wife, and introduction of handsome contender who falls for the forbidden fruit. As much as I like Alan Rickman, I found this movie to be a slow-moving tale lacking the passion I hoped to encounter.Alan plays the elderly owner of a foundry, Karl Hoffmeister, with an ailing heart. Enters Friedrich Zeitz, who he takes under his wing as his protégé. It's apparent from the beginning he is grooming the young, intelligent man to take over his business. Early in their relationship, he discloses the secret that he is not well.As he methodically allows the young handsome Friedrich to enter his home and take up residence, you gain the sense that he has purposely brought him close to his wife to encourage something more. Perhaps, it is the love of an older, dying man for his young wife to make sure her needs are met after his demise. Little did he know, that having done so, he finds himself brokenhearted over the outcome when she falls in love with Friedrich.Rebecca Hall plays the proper wife, though slightly dull. Richard Madden plays the protégé, who is immediately attracted to Heir Hoffmeister's wife. He turns into a sappy, slightly obsessive worshiper of young Charlotte. In one scene he smells her scent and kisses the keys of the piano that she has played, as if he's making love to it. Of course, that is countered later in the movie with Charlotte sniffing the pillow of his empty bed.The two are thrown together due to Heir Hoffmeister's ill health attending the opera and other activities. It's a silent game between the two, as they both play with fire, but fail to acknowledge their feelings for one another for some time. It's not until Hoffmeister reaches the stage of jealousy, that he sends off his rival to Mexico on business for two years. Then, the floodgates of words of undying love burst forth between the two, as well as the "promise" to wait for one another.The movie is set in pre-WWI Germany. When war ensues, it keeps them apart far longer than either anticipated. After the death of her husband, and many years of receiving no word, Friedrich returns after the war. Charlotte who has been sorrowfully smitten and pining for her sweetheart meets him once again. Instead of the passionate reunion you anticipate, it turns into a polite cup of tea like two friends making up for lost time. He is aloof and cold, she is polite and proper. In fact, he confesses he's not married but has been with other women. She fluffs it off as inconsequential. It's not until the end scene they finally kiss. Where's the tears? Where's the passion? Where is the joy of seeing one another again? Obviously, six years has cooled them off. It's an odd, emotionless reunion.The more I think about why this movie doesn't have the effect is should, is that the two main characters, Charlotte and Friedrich, never really take the viewers to the point of falling in love with them. Friedrich is sullen, moody, and intense. He surely didn't make me want to swoon and commit adultery. Charlotte's character, though quite innocent in the beginning, doesn't really portray why she is so unhappy with her husband that she should be tempted to stray. Because I never bonded with the characters, except for Herr Hoffmeister, it wasn't an exciting, moving, heart-throbbing love story that made me want to see the two live happily ever after. Even though it is based off a novel written by Stefan Zweig's "Journey into the Past," it comes across as a worn-out plot that is missing important elements of passion to make it memorable.Of course, I love period movies, whether excellent or mediocre. Though for me this was more mediocre, you may find it your cup of tea.
