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Nazis at the Center of the Earth

Nazis at the Center of the Earth (2012)

April. 24,2012
| Adventure Horror Action Thriller

A group of researchers in Antarctica are abducted by a platoon of masked soldiers and dragged into a hidden continent in the center of the Earth. There, they discover that surviving Nazi soldiers are plotting an invasion of Earth to revive the Third Reich.


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as i was scrolling through netflix i came across this little title and i said well i thought "Iron Sky was gonna be bad but was pleasantly surprised by how well it was made. i can't let all that mental preparation go to waste why no watch the Asylum rip off of Iron sky and see if its even half of the movie Iron sky was." spoilers it is not. i didn't realize it was an asylum film till the credit popped up first thing when i started the movie and i said i better pause this movie get my note pad and a stiff drink before i dig into this turd. A little background i personally have never been able to sit through an entire Asylum Production till this one other than sharknado. kudos to these guys i suppose but most of the time i get 10 minutes into Asylum movie before i'm more bored by the movie than i would be looking at a blank screen for 2 hours first one that comes to mind that was like that was Alan Quartermaine but this one had all the star power Jake Busey can bring to bare so at least i got to see him chew the scenery for what felt like 2 hours. this movies actually comes in at 89 minutes with credits but there are so many moments i threw my hands up in the air yelling WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! i wrote down a few of my favorite lines just so i could quote them for you here it goes "Antarctica is the new frontier for medical research!" "When you live in Antarctica for ten years you hear things." "How are we going to escape?! Were just doctors." this movies only saving grace is that there is a CG MECHA-ZOMBIE- Hitler and he's mad. honestly i'd suggest if you're going to watch this one stiff drinks all around and you better be with someone to talk about this movie with because it is baffling confusing strangely blocked strangely acted and poorly written. rating as a movie i give it 3/10 as a hilarious cluster of a movie i still can only give it a 4/10. to much of the movie feels like actors acting like bad actors like when you see a TV show or movie in a TV show and they are chewing scenery like it was taffy. the effects are funny and half finished most the time but the rest of this movie its a hard sit.


That this is supposed to be a good bad movie. Actually there probably is no such thing as a good bad movie. Bad is bad, and "Nazi's at the Center of the Earth" is bad. Now that we have established that, and recognized no talent when we see it, let's find out why this movie is a complete zero (actually a 1, because IMDb doesn't allow zeros). Because I have seen sh_t fights at the monkey house that made more sense than this badly conceived disaster of epic proportions. Jake Busey, who I actually like, should be ashamed, very ashamed, for his ill advised involvement in what can only be described as a monumental crapfest, with bad script, bad character development, bad acting, bad effects, and no redeeming qualities. Not laughingly bad, just bad. - MERK


Researchers in Antarctica are abducted by a team of masked storm troopers. They are dragged deep underground to a hidden continent in the center of the earth. Here Nazi survivors, their bodies a horrifying patchwork of decaying and regenerated flesh, are planning for the revival of the Third Reich.So, we have Jake Busey and some scientists and then there are Nazis -- including a robotic Adolf Hitler -- at the center of the Earth. This idea is crazy, of course, but completely in line with Nazi beliefs. They did, in fact, accept the idea of a hollow earth. (Well, some of them did -- I am sure many were smarter than that.) The graphics are sort of cheesy, the people who made this clearly did not know German... but then, it is a SyFy movie starring Jake Busey and a bunch of Nazis. You did not think this was gonna be good, did you? If anything ,it might be so bad it is good. Maybe.

Mick Germain (vivelequebeclibregreen10)

This film sucked so much Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen felt good about it self.No seriously this is a terrible film.I walked in to this film hoping to find a hidden gem,what I found was actually a load of crap.best part of the movie :Jake Busey,seriously BEST ACTOR EVER! His agent,not so much.the plot is ridiculous,in some cases that could make a fairly okay movie,but in this case ,it took itself too seriously,which I guess hurt the film. Another problem with the film,is the lack of care I gave about the characters (10 min left in the film,and I still didn't any of their names).Oh and the abuse the fact that their snow base is called Nipplesomething.
