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3-Headed Shark Attack

3-Headed Shark Attack (2015)

July. 20,2015
| Horror Action Science Fiction

The world’s greatest killing machine is three times as deadly when a mutated shark threatens a cruise ship. As the shark eats its way from one end of the ship to the next, the passengers fight the deadly predator using anything they can find.


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The Three Acts:The initial tableaux: First snapshot: We see the monster in the first few minutes. We start at some sort of ocean-side resort where we have a skinny dipping dare. Right in the middle of this, the 3 headed shark attacks and kills a woman, then three men.Second snapshot: Maggie starts as a new intern at an oceanographic research station, The Persephone, a big chunk of which is underwater. The station is placed near the Great Pacific Garbage Patch to study the effects of garbage on the ocean ecology. Persephone aims to join forces with special interest groups to help save the planet. While on the initial tour with one of the special interest groups, Maggie meets Greg again, whom she knew in undergraduate school.Delineation of conflicts: The 3-headed shark is hungry, and eats people, while the people would rather go on living. Persephone staff try to keep people safe, but the shark has other ideas. After the shark destroys the station, a few survive and escape on a small boat. Max Burns diverts the fishing expedition he's leading to try to help. The shark diverts to attack a booze cruise ship. Resolution: Will the booze cruise be saved, or will clichés be enforced?


3-Headed Shark Attack is just one in what is becoming a really long list of disaster movies that exploit cheap CGI effects in order to give us a giant freak of nature destroying the seas.But I did get some enjoyment out of it. I watched it out of pure curiosity over Karrueche Tran, who I know nothing about except for who she use to date. Not the best actress in the world, that's a given, but easy on the eyes, and delvers her lines like someone who gets it.Same thing with Danny Trejo, who I hope got a nice big paycheck for being himself in this movie. He even takes a machete to the shark. Seeing Trejo be bad ass in a movie is always worth seeing. My favorite moments came with Rob Van Dam who was the third name on the poster. I don't know if it's his first movie, but he did some bad acting, but like the others you can see he was having some fun with it.Plus, there was some nudity, and people got slaughtered quite horrifically, so you have that.It's a fun film to watch if you run into it.


3 Headed Shark Attack (2015) ** (out of 4) A group of scientist come under attack by a mutated three-headed shark and soon the creature is attacking anyone that it can. Soon the group realizes that the sharks are going after pollution, which leads to a cute political message about keeping the world clean.2-HEADED SHARK ATTACK was a decent monster flick and you know what they say, three heads are better than two. Well, at least this film proves that. Much like the first film, you'd be downright insane if you went into a picture like this expecting any kind of art. Just so you know, there are countless logical issues with the story but if you're willing to watch a movie called 3 HEADED SHARK ATTACK then can you really question logic? Again, if you're a fan of this type of film then you already know what to expect. A movie like this just needs to be entertaining in a so bad it's good kind of way and I think this film succeeds at that. There are all sorts of bloody attack sequences, which are pretty much and I must admit that the actual look of the shark is quite good. The CGI effects are obviously very cheap but at the same time they at least look better than the majority of the films like this. The performances are decent for what they are and it's Danny Trejo who does the celebrity small part.3 HEADED SHARK ATTACK is exactly what it sounds like and for the most part it's cheap entertainment.


Some of those movies are entertaining, this one is not. Bad acting (including Danny Trejo, watch his face during the boat ride), stupid behavior of all people (yes, make sure you're next after you've seen other people fall into the water), bad editing, of course I don't have to talk about a script or a story and the way the shark gets killed at the end (oh, did I reveal too much?) - ridiculous.I was often wondering where the money is coming from and who gives green light to make movies like that. Look what some kids with some decent home equipment can put together on YouTube. Let them make movies.Waste of time unless you want to joke around how bad it is.
