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Embrace of the Vampire

Embrace of the Vampire (1995)

May. 30,1995
| Fantasy Horror

An 18-year-old college freshman is seduced by a handsome vampire lover who introduces her to a dark world of carnal desires.


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Claudio Carvalho

The seventeen year-old Charlotte (Alyssa Milano) is a virgin college student from a Catholic high-school and girlfriend of her college mate Chris (Harrison Pruett). Near to the eve of her eighteenth birthday, a vampire (Martin Kemp) that was her lover in a past life tries to seduce her to regain his human life. However Charlotte is in love with Chris and the vampire sends the sexy Marika (Jennifer Tilly) to seduce him. Meanwhile Charlotte is also sexually tempted by the lesbian Sarah (Charlotte Lewis)."Embrace of the Vampire" is an erotic and sexy tale that uses the attractive figure of the vampire to expose the naked body and breasts of Alyssa Milano. The story can be written in half a page and is basically a storyline entwined with scenes of sex. The most incredible is that there is a remake of this movie. My vote is four.Title (Brazil): "A Sedução do Mal – Os Diários de Nosferatu" ("The Seduction of Evil – The Nosferatu's Diaries")


There is nothing here for the storyline or plot. Watch it for the beautiful boobs and butts and some sex, with a lot of sensual kissing.Beautifully taken with that respect..Lets see..A lot of great looking girls in action with Alyssa herself exposing almost everything..you can replay those scenes again and again for sensual pleasure.. otherwise this movie is a worthless junkCould have been a lot better..A better plot with more sensual action would have made it a better choice to look out for..


"Embrace of the Vampire" is an enjoyable erotic vampire entry, but a dull horror film.**SPOILERS**About to fall into Eternal Sleep, a lonely Vampire, (Martin Kemp) finds that young college student Charlotte Wells, (Alyssa Milano) is the perfect reincarnation of his lost-love, and vows to win her over. Knowing of her love for fellow student Chris, (Harold Pruitt) he concocts a plan to break them up and allow her to join her by his side. As she begins to feel the effects of his power, controlling her thoughts and making her experience weird dreams and visions, her friends Nicole, (Rachel True) and Eliza, (Jordan Ladd) begin to wonder if it has anything to do with her upbringing more than anything else and try to get her to loosen up. As the time for his plans get closer to realization, he realizes what's been going on all along and races to save her from his deadly grip.The Good News: There wasn't a whole lot to really enjoy with this one. One of the better aspects to this one, though, is the film's abundant sexuality, and the ease of which it plays around with those elements. Being a mainstream release, it doesn't really seem likely to be able to get as much of that as it shows in here, but it's all the more welcome because of being included. The fact that the opening of the movie, which features a non-nude-but-still-erotic sequence only to turn into a foursome orgy with completely nude participants for lengthy scene. It's quite fun to watch, and just about most later scenes featuring this plus are that way as well. That the lead manages to get all of it makes it even better, managing to make due with a fully-exposed undressing scene, several instances where the dress she's wearing at the time blows open and several sex scenes mixed in amongst it all. The best scene, though, is the innocent photo-shoot that soon turns into a pseudo-lesbian encounter that features a lot of it going on, and it's lengthy and quite enjoyable. This is probably the main reason to see this, as these scenes are among one of the main interesting factors among the film. The only other thing it manages to do somewhat right is the continual theme of making the vampire encounters seem like dreams rather than actual visitations, and at times it's hard to tell the difference. There's certainly some, especially the trippy and visually-impressive drug-trip that turns into a vampire-feasting session, but it's still not entirely clear, and that's what makes it so much fun. Some of the other encounters, namely the meeting at the party and a lively part in a schoolroom lecture, are a bit more noteworthy for actually doing something in the course of the film, but it's still not enough to save it beyond all the flesh exposed.The Bad News: There was a lot of flaws to this one. Of the more damaging ones, none are much bigger than the film's incredible dullness. This one doesn't really have much in the way of action, it really doesn't have much energy during it's run and it's pretty hard to stay interested in what's going on. Much of this has to deal with the other factors working against the film, but it's still not all them and still has something to deal with this. One of the other problems that also lends into this one is the fact that there's not a whole lot of fear to be generated from it's vampire lead. The stereotypical pale-faced, whining, romantically-inclined preening vampire, he barely has anything to do with any type of horror actions and comes off as weak, nonthreatening and not really worthwhile. The stereotype allows for more scenes to be of him running around trying to let his plan come to fruition than anything that could be done to make him scary. One huge blunder is, during the opening narration, he voices his plans and pretty much takes the suspense out of what he's trying to do right from the first frame of the film, which is a colossal mistake and one it doesn't really get over. That the plan basically involves him turning a woman into a nympho for his bride, there's not a whole lot of fear than can be derived from the situation, and instead it uses that for the movie's main plus, but it's still something that doesn't generate a lot of horror and makes the film quite hard to fathom as a horror movie. The last big one is the film's criminal lack of blood, or gore, as what little squirts that are seen in here are barely worth having in for what little they provide. Seeing the teeth turn red, only because it's darker than what's around them, and a small smear against a door are all that's in here, making this one quite dry, and along with the dullness and weak vampire lead, constitute this one's flaws.The Final Verdict: With a lot of it's pluses relegated to it's sexuality and not much else, it's really hard to find much who'll like this one. The main one's who'll like it will undoubtedly be those who prefer these more romantic vampire fare or looking for a quick sleaze fix, otherwise heed with extreme caution.Rated R: Full Nudity, several sex scenes, Language and Mild Violence


This is boring Vampire rubbish, that really has no entertainment value what so ever, with plenty of soft core stuff and a lame story. All the characters are not very interesting, and while it has one hot lesbian scene between Alyssa Milano and Charlotte Lewis but that's not enough to save it as it's basically the only entertaining scene in the film, plus while Martin Kemp had potential to be menacing as the Vampire he hammed it up, and became boring very shortly. There isn't very much blood or gore either, and the only reason I found this to be at least somewhat bearable was because of Milano's presence, plus the dialog was quite shoddy. Milano seemed somewhat uncomfortable in scenes, and I can't believe Kemp(Vampire) gave up that easy at the end, even though he was forced too, however Milano did manage to switch from her goody two shoes role to bad girl role quite well actually. It's pretty poorly made and written, and Jordan Ladd plays an effective annoying bitch, plus while Harold Pruett was likable as Chris (Charlotte's boyfriend) he was only OK due to the material. This is boring vampire rubbish, that really has no entertainment value what so ever, with plenty of soft core stuff and a lame story, and I say you should pass on this one it's not worth seeing. The Direction is quite mediocre. Anne Goursaud does a mediocre job here while the camera work is good, as is the setting it was just too bland for my liking, and the pace was also uneven. The Acting isn't much better. Alyssa Milano is really good here she was the reason the film was semi-bearable, she had great presence is incredibly gorgeous and sexy, did a great character switch from goody two shoes to bad girl, and while she did look uncomfortable in a few scenes, kudos for her managing to get through them she did great (Milano rules!!). Martin Kemp is OK as the Vampire but was too hammy and OTT for my liking, his character had a lot of potential but he just couldn't fulfill it, he also reminded me of an incredibly poor man's Nicolas Cage. Harold Pruett is actually rather decent as the boyfriend Chris, he was likable, and managed to come out of this crap looking quite decent, good job on that, his chemistry with Milano wasn't all that bad either. Jordan Ladd plays the annoying bitch very effectively I couldn't stand her. Charlotte Lewis is incredibly sexy and gorgeous and that's basically what her role was supposed to be she did an extremely good job on that!. Rachel True is OK as the best friend. Jennifer Tilly is alright in her couple scenes. Rest of the cast are so, so. Overall I would pass on this one, as it's not worth seeing. *1/2 out of 5
