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Hunted (1952)

March. 17,1952
| Drama Thriller Crime

An unexpected bond develops between a fugitive killer and a runaway orphan on an odyssey across England.


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In the 1950s, Dirk Bogarde played three main sorts of roles in films--sailors or soldiers, the nice Dr. Sparrow in the Doctor movies as well as complete sociopaths. Of these roles, the sociopaths are by far the most interesting to watch. During this time, he often played murderers and crooks on the run. So, when I first started watching "The Stranger in Between", it came as no surprise as he's once again playing a murderer on the run! However, as the film progresses you realize that this seemingly simple film has a lot more depth to it--depth that make it a standout picture.When the movie begins, a cute little boy is hiding after he'd been playing with matches. He stumbles into the hiding place of Chris (Bogarde)--a guy who is wanted for murder! Chris doesn't want to let the boy go--he could tell people where he's hiding. So he convinces the boy that the police are looking for BOTH of them and they set off together on a cross-country run to avoid capture.About midway through this movie, you start to notice some things that make it interesting. Chris isn't just a mindless killer--his motivations and what he did exactly aren't quite so black and white. The boy also is not just some scared kid--he's been terribly abused and in some ways he's better off on the run with a killer than staying in his former life! The film also has a few unexpectedly nice moments between the two. Chalk this up to excellent acting, writing and direction. Where is this all going? Well, see the film to find out for yourself.


Hunted (AKA: The Stranger In Between) is directed by Charles Crichton and co-written by Jack Whittingham and Michael McCarthy. It stars Dirk Bogarde, Jon Whiteley, Elizabeth Sellars and Kay Walsh. Music is by Hubert Clifford and cinematography by Eric Cross.Story finds Bogarde and Whiteley as man and boy on the run for differing reasons. Bogarde's Chris Lloyd is a fugitive, Whiteley's Robbie a orphan being mistreated in his adoptive home. The odd couple, fleeing authority, but heading where?Haunting yet beautiful, firm but tender, Hunted is a terrific piece of Brit film noir that holds you in its grip from beginning to end. Film unfolds as being about two lost souls traversing the British lands, from a ravaged London in the beginning to a Scottish harbour at the end. Initially suspicious of each other, with the adult inconvenienced by his child companion, the relationship will develop as their respective demons surface. Who is the more frightened of the two? What hope is there for them? Fate has brought them together, but fate can often deal a deadly hand, what hand has been dealt Chris and Robbie? It's this question that hangs heavy in the tense story, ensuring our attention at all times.As the journey takes them out of the city, into the country and finally out to the sea shore, we are treated to no end of visual smarts. Imagery is a big part of Hunted's worth to the film noir enthusiast, be it monuments or various building structures, Crichton (Dead of Night) and Cross (The Mystery of the Marie Celeste) ensure that the simmering narrative is well served by locations and items that surround our two protagonists. Shadowed balustrade, spiral staircase, murky street lights, dingy basement, low lighted farm houses, barns, haystacks, railway sidings, medieval relic structure, and on it goes, all given a forbidding sheen by the makers, backed significantly, too, by Clifford's music swells and low rumble peters.Some means and motivations are purposely left grey, which means we get more dramatic/emotional impact for certain passages of dialogue, such as a bedtime story sequence that grips the heart considerably. The acting is first rate from Bogarde (Victim) and Whiteley (Moonfleet), very believable is their relationship (they would also make The Spanish Gardner together in 56), with Bogarde never better as he shifts seamlessly from a man of fiery rage and panic, to a tender soul reaching out in the shadows, desperately searching for redemption.Now available on DVD with a very good print, Hunted is yearning to be seen by more people. It deserves it, a real treat, both thematically and visually, one of the best new discoveries for me in 2012. 9/10

Jem Odewahn

Very good, gritty British drama, with an excellent Dirk Bogarde as the murderer on the run who becomes a father figure to an abused child. Director Charles Crichton captures working class life and Britain, from the bleak city streets to the countryside, very well. Bogarde's scenes with the child actor Jon Whiteley are incredibly touching, and most importantly, feel inherently real. These two have such an incredible screen chemistry, that the viewer totally believes their relationship. Once again Bogarde proves himself one of the finest of all actors to grace the screen. This little British film, which obviously influenced the later, just as good "Tiger Bay" (with the child being replaced with a girl, one Hayley Mills), deserves to be better known.


Right from the start this movie settles its direction straight: A bleak and almost unbearable ambiance surrounds Rob and Chris. They both got nothing to lose and so this unequal pair is ready to be on the run. Every scene is beautifully shot and the actors are really going through the motions. The greatest thing about this movie are teaches of the heart. The "bad" killer is a soft and caring guy whose life as a poor sailor dragged him into this mess.Think about which society you're living in and why people sometimes do what they have to do...Outstanding movie by all means!Buy it now!
