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National Lampoon's The Legend of Awesomest Maximus

National Lampoon's The Legend of Awesomest Maximus (2011)

August. 05,2011
| Comedy

A clueless Trojan general must meet an unbeatable Greek warrior on the battlefield.


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I think there are either a lot of depressed people writing reviews or that one guy in the comedy show audience who just refuses to laugh , this is the second or third movie i have watched that had bad reviews on IMDb, that turned out to be really enjoyableI watch a lot of comedy movies and this one -awesomest maximus -- is definitely funnier than most , i put it right up there with meet the spartans . and i haven't reviewed -305- yet but i watched what i could of it and consider this its review 305 is bad,- This movie has Will Sasso- he's funny , period . AND THE coach from dodgeball, patches o'whatsisname , he's a king in this movie . its just comedy , well worth a watch if you have a sense of humor


National Lampoon,  "sword and sandal" movie. A parody mixture of 300, Gladiator and Troy to name a few while much better than Meet the Spartans it hasn't the original -in its own world setting - and is more spoof than comedy. Although packed with gags and crudeness it lacks the edge, wit and humorous balance of the likes of Your Highness.The leads including The Three Stooges (2012) Will Sasso and supporting cast are entertaining enough, rip Torn lights up the screen and lovely  Kristanna Loken is a saving grace. With boobs, butts and lots of cursing  teens will probably eat The Legend of Awesomest Maximus up. It's one of the better spoofs but by no means great.

diggus doggus

Too many bad films and all the sudden people wouldn't recognise a good comedy if it came around and took a crap on their shoes;The Legend of Awesomest Maximus is really really good. Thats it, end of review. I said end of review.No seriously, what is there to say? Great acting ?? Don't need it. Great production ?? Well, not really but, it's not like it's a ugly film. I'd actually say this is a pretty sweet film production-wise.Look, some films serve a purpose, and Awesomest does it perfectly, if you like comedy like horror fans like Hammer films, and incidentally like girls everywhere like Gigli, then this film is unmissable and yes, it will become a cult hit.Go see it or rather, rent it, you will not regret it.Recommended to anyone who is still a little bit immature, and for everyone else who isn't immature, i say get some immaturity back in your life, you old sock.Final vote 8/10 - should have been a 9, but they got the spelling wrong in the title. Come on, how hard was it to make it "Awesomus" instead of "Awesomest"... jeez, the writers these days..


This is a stupid film, plain & simple. This film proves a disgrace to the National Lampoon series. No way this film can compare to the Chevy Chase era in the Vacation series.The film focuses on making spoof for Troy, 300, & Gladiators. Not that the idea is a bad thing, though, but the execution is.There are no funny jokes; just crude sexual connotations and crappy, retarded gag reflexes.Please do something else, rather than watching this film. And please, do not get conned by the sponsored advertisers, who comments just to get you, well, conned.
