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Star of David: Beauty Hunting

Star of David: Beauty Hunting (1979)

October. 27,1979
| Horror Thriller

The film portrays the life of Tatsuya, a young man of proper descent whose outward respectability hides his urges for rape and torture. This handsome rapist seduces women, then brings them to the basement of the mansion he inherited from his well-to-do parents, where he indulges in lengthy sessions of sado-sexual violence. Based on manga by Masaaki Sato.


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Norifumi Suzuki's STAR OF David (aka BEAUTIFUL GIRL HUNTER) is a very strong entry in the Nikkatsu violent-pink genre and should be sought out by lovers of sexploit cinema. Unlike some of the other Nikkatsu pink films I've seen - this one has a very polished and professional look to it that makes it stand out amongst other entries. In fact, to my eyes the film resembles the more "mainstream" Toei pinky-violence films but for the slightly more twisted subject matter. This isn't surprising given Suzuki's background in Japanese exploit cinema, helming the equally excellent SCHOOL OF THE HOLY BEAST and SEX AND FURY. Tatsuya is a handsome young guy who comes into a lot of cash after the "accidental" death of his father. Problem is, his REAL father was a serial rapist and Tatsuya is the product of his mother's rape session. His "surrogate" dad obviously resents Tatsuya's birth and treats him like garbage. Turns out that the penchant for rape must run in the genes - and Tatsuya is no amateur when it comes to the finer points of female abuse and degredation. Eventually Tatsuya's real father comes back into the picture and things go downhill from there...STAR OF David has a little bit of everything for sexploit fans - Tons of erotically-charged rapes and rope bondage, lots of pantied crotch-shots, incest themes, a hilarious urination scene, some brief necrophilia, implied beastiality - all the things to make a sleaze fan happy. The only draw-back is that the pacing is a bit slow, but even so - STAR OF David is a very solid entry. Pair this one up with a few of Suzuki's other joints and have a sleazy good time...9/10


When a man's wife is raped and impregnated by a serial killer, the result is a handsome playboy who grows up with a fetish for sex, torture, and murder. This Japanese production is like a morality play with no morals, with a protagonist who is at once charming, intelligent, and unredeemable; the multi-layered script fleshes out the character and those he abducts, and makes some surprisingly insightful observations about a society fixated on religion, morals, and beauty. While not achieving a balanced mix of depravity and fascination like Pier Paolo Pasolini's "Salo," "Beautiful Girl Hunter" comes close enough, though the violence and sexual content becomes excessive near the end.6.5/10


"Beautiful Girl Hunter" by Norifumi Suzuki is based on manga by Maasaki Soto.The film portrays the life of Tatsuya,a young man of proper descent whose outward respectability hides his urges for rape and torture.This handsome rapist seduces women,then brings them to the basement of the mansion he inherited from his well-to-do parents,where he indulges in lengthy sessions of sado-sexual violence.An explanation of sorts is given for Tatsuya's sinister urges:he was conceived when his mother was violated by a deranged serial rapist while his father was forced to watch.Then one night,one of his victims escapes.The young woman,who has been kept locked in a cage in the basement for several weeks and subjected to humiliation,degradation,torture and rape,runs from the house screaming,right into the arms of a passer-by.Though she thinks she has found safety,this person is none other than Tatsuya's natural father,the serial rapist.He brings her back to the house where he joins his son in his activities.From that moment the torture and violence shift into an even higher gear."Beautiful Girl Hunter" is a nasty Japanese pinku eiga shocker filled with with nudity,whipping and rapes.The cinematography is beautiful and the acting is great.If you liked this one check out also classy Japanese nunsploitation flick "Convent of the Sacred Beast" by Norifumi Suzuki.10 out of 10.


This is a well made beautiful film about the kidnap and torture of women. Its great to look at but I have yet to determine why I should want to watch it. Don't get me wrong it has nothing to do with refined sensibilities, I can enjoy twisted exploitation as well as anyone, but there's simply something wrong.I think the problem with it is that its rather a dull movie. Terrible things happen to good looking woman...and thats about it. There is some attempt at character, but its not all that interesting. Its as if its trying to be more than the bondage porno it is.I had been drawn to the film when I had read several articles that mentioned its bad reputation, so when I found a cheap copy I figured I'd give it a try. Perhaps back in 1979 it was something, but today with these jaded eyes its unremarkable. I've seen films of every sort and this one didn't strike as much of anything.Will you find it offensive? If naked tortured women offends you, or you have stayed in the mainstream in your tastes, you probably will be offended or made uncomfortable, but for anyone else, this is probably going to bore you much more than it will shock or excite you. It has not lived up to its reputation.
