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Perfect Timing

Perfect Timing (1986)

February. 04,1986
| Comedy

Perfect Timing is the story of Harry Crane, an infamous photographer whose sublime and evocative images single-handedly reshaped and rebuilt the boudoir and fitness industries. But, having made his mark, allowed the artist within to be released. Creatively and artistically, Harry has moved on; his work now consisting of portraits and interpreting rock wall fractals. Of course that meant leaving the professional schlock of commercial advertising behind him. Sounds good. Except there's that pesky issue of money. And Harry and his buds are quickly burning through large quantities of it. Bottom line - he's nearly broke and faces eviction.


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For a long time it seemed like all the good Canadian actors had headed south of the border and (I guessed) all the second rank ones filled the top slots and that left the dregs for the sex comedies.This film was a real surprise: despite the outlandish plots that are typical of farces, the actors seemed to be trying to put something into their characters and what we, the viewer, got back was almost true suspension of belief. When the extras from the music video attacked the evicting police, you almost believed it was possible.If you are a fan of some of the better sex farces (Canadian or not) you should definitely seek this one out. And the big surprise, this sex farce is also loaded with some very good nudity.


This movie reminds me of the popular films of Spanish director Pedro Almodovar (sic). His films were like this: ribald sex comedies filled with outlandish characters, mundane plots turned ridiculous, and surprisingly good taste. This was job well done by the Canadians who created this one.The story of two brothers, one of whom is trying to prevent the loss of his home by eviction while the other one just uses the pad to get women to sleep with him when his girlfriend is away, is well done. The acting is quite good. Still, the excesses of the 80's are apparent: Music is heard 70 percent of the time in the background. There are a couple of musical numbers. The people dress in crazy outfits. Still, not a bad time waster. I will say this, I wouldn't blame the Lothario Crane brother for cheating on his girlfriend; if I had to deal with someone with an annoying voice, a smoking habit, and an affinity for not wearing underwear, I'd be looking elsewhere, too.

David Edward Martin

I'm a photographer myself so I get interested in films about photographers. In this case, you have a photographer who burned out after one book. Apparently it was a dang lucrative book, since he can afford a great loft and a beautiful agent as well as spend all his time photographing a crack in his studio wall. Meanwhile his younger brother is using the mystique of being a photographer as an excuse to get women naked and hopefully in bed. Throw in the beautiful Michele Scarabelli as the long-suffering agent, trying to get the older brother out of his slump and back to creativity.Then there is Ziggy, the artist from downstairs, who spends the entire film trying to pry his model out of the plaster cast she's stuck in. By the way, near as I can tell, the actress playing the model only made this one movie. Too bad 'cause she was a real trooper, spending her entire on-screen time stuck in that plaster mass. Skin flicks (of which this is one) share a basic form with musicals-- the plot is periodically punctuated by scenes specific to that genre. In this case, the aforementioned nude scenes. Fans of Michele Scarabelli will want to seek this one out, since her extended nude scene makes for the climax of the film.


This film is a real curiosity. You will without doubt either love it or loathe it. It is essentially a rather pathetic comedy that provides an excuse to parade some naked ladies. But some of the ladies in question are superb eye candy, including Michelle Scarabelli of Airwolf fame. The comedy is often so bad that you will be laughing at it rather than with it, but if you have the right attitude you will have a hugely enjoyable time. One of the characters is a lead singer with a `band` who sing some truly awful songs. This one will not win any oscars but might provide some light entertainment to undemanding customers.
