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The Hunt for Eagle One

The Hunt for Eagle One (2006)

January. 17,2006
| Adventure Drama Action Thriller

A group of US Marines are sent to rescue captured a US Marine and a Filipino Captain while stopping a group of Al-Qaeda-backed local rebels from launching biological weapons.


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Comeuppance Reviews

"The Hunt for Eagle One" doesn't live up to its B-movie potential.The plot: Capt. Jennings' (Randle) plane gets shot down over enemy territory. She is then kidnapped by terrorists. Only Lt. Daniels' (Dacascos) team can save her from certain doom.That's it for plot. So if the synopsis is short, how about the war action? Unfortunately, it's not good. Don't forget this is a Roger Corman production which means: cheap! But they did the best they could with a low budget. It looks like "Black Hawk Down" but it's not. The only thing saving this are the performances. Dacascos, Randle, and Hauer all put in decent work. The last gunfight was satisfactory though.Overall, It's not worth watching unless you like the actors. The sequel is better.For more insanity, please visit: comeuppancereviews.com


I thought that this movie was great! For its limited budget and not so known actors it was a good movie, filled with action and excitement. Some things are not so good though, but hey, its a B- movie. Mark Dacascos delivers as always. Teresa Randell known from Bad Boys also plays her part as Captain Jennings quite good. The bad rating that this movie has received her, I can not understand. This movie is better than its current average points. It also has a political touch to it, since the enemies are Al- Qaida and the rebels are a part of a network under them. I am looking forward to watch the next movie: "The hunt for eagle one: Crash point".

jewels hope

Well they must have spent the budget they had set aside for the technical adviser on all the pyro and squibs they blew off. A good war movie is FAR more than authentic uniforms, locations, equipment. Doesn't matter how good your replica looks if the acting, continuity, and technicalities are crap! The pilot, after the crash doesn't even attempt to check the many other troops injured in the crash, she goes right to the conscious one with a hurt leg - no blood to be seen... this is the crappiest triage I have ever seen - not at all real to what a true Marine would do in that situation. She also remains way too calm during the crash AND after the crash - this scene coupled with the lame beach attack scene alerted me that turning the movie off would be the best thing to do.This movie is a waste of time, a waste of a Hollywood budget, and a shame to army movies.

james johnson

One of the few films I've rented which i haven't actually watched to the end, I couldn't. This film is one of the worst I've seen for a long time, there are no special effects, no storyline, zero acting skills. The lack of a military adviser if blindingly obvious from the very first frame of the very first scene when the platoon of marines row their boats onto the shore in open daylight. Then run across the beach in a mindless rabble. From there things go from bad to worse, poor archive helicopter footage spliced in with even worse shots from within the cockpit. As an example one shot uses one type of helicopter (westland), then the next shot we see two totally different helicopters!(Huey) What were they thinking. The whole thing is a total failure, its not even entertaining as a mindless action film. For anybody that is thinking of watching this film, don't waste your time. I feel dirty giving it even 1/10.
