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Strapped (2010)

September. 24,2010
| Drama

A routine trick propels a tall, dark, cynical hustler into a series of life-changing encounters in this drama. But this amicable and sexually efficient rent boy begins to look at himself differently when he finds himself lost in a maze-like apartment building. As he wanders through the building, he tricks with a variety of johns; sex is the commonality, but out of that commodity comes raw, unguarded emotions for all.


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For a gay themed movie, this is extremely polished and well-done; perfect acting, great editing, compelling sound-track and most of all an excellent script with on-point dialogue. Given my review is "late in the game" I won't bother with a synopsis. I will say that for a plot of the day in the life of a male prostitute, this absolutely gave the viewer something extraordinary and atypical of the genre (because yes...it's been done before, as admitted in the film itself with the references to "My Own Private Idaho"). There are many layers to this film and in fact to the lead character, as we find out through his acting AND the dialogue that he indeed takes on the personas of the people he is about to have sex with (and he could only accomplish this if he were a very polished actor...which he definitely appears to be). This film delves into the human psyche and asks the question if we are ALL pretending/trying to be someone we are not/putting on a show for others. A very well done and IMHO underrated film.


Eerie, expressionistic tale of a young hustler who somehow can't leave the building where he has come to serve a client. Hallways twist and turn and dead-end, and instead of finding his way out, he keeps stumbling into one odd, desperate life after another. Yet the point of view is compassionate and curious. The young man matures and learns as he goes, an especially touching and wondrous process. The film is driven by a superb, understated performance by Ben Bonenfant, a regional theater star (with a specialty in Shakespeare) who is not often seen in films. He helps bring it all together beautifully. Director Joseph Graham (Beautiful Something) makes a powerful visual statement about the tenderness, vulnerability and need of lives that seem perverse or on the edge. Dare I say it, in the end the weirdness becomes heartwarming. A stunning achievement.

Bene Cumb

Stories concerning different minorities include always some intrigues and scenes not comprehensible to "majority" audience, but if they are subject to general ideas and values, they obtain wide popularity and understanding. Here, in Strapped, the leading character becomes serene within a limited space and time, but still continuing hustling, and all this is not convincing to me. The types he meets are distinct and colorful, but the balance of their deeds and thoughts is often illogical (particularly with aging Sam, although their dialogue is the most interesting in the movie), and combining stereotypes, gay-4-pay elements and sophisticated reasoning does not always fit. True, if we had do with a student work, it would be rated high, as the idea is distinct and most of acting is good, but as for a creation by a "ready-made" filmmaker - too pretentious and fabulous. Of course, I realize that I do not belong to the target audience, but so it seems that Strapped does not deal with human values in a general manner without leaving gay elements and attitudes too visible and "constraining".


An astonishing, spectacularly good little movie - much, MUCH better than anybody has words to say. Sexy and poetic, lyrical and heartbreaking and soaring. It is as mundane as a leaking roof and as wide and glorious as the universe. To say it is about a hustler turning tricks is like saying the Odyssey is about a guy who got stuck in traffic on the way home.Its minor flaws, so tiny they are almost insignificant - sloppy camera focus in crucial scenes, occasionally ponderous dialog, the total lack of tongues during the all-important kiss - simply make it better, realer, more human, as tiny flaws in great works of art always do.If I could have seen only one gay movie in all my life, this is the one I would want it to be.
