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Warlords of the 21st Century

Warlords of the 21st Century (1982)

March. 31,1982
| Adventure Action Science Fiction

It's the 21st century, the Oil Wars have made a mess of the planet and the land outside major cities is lawless. After Hunter comes to the aid of Corlie, who has run away from the villainous Straker, he takes her to the peaceful community of Clearwater. Unfortunately for the citizens of Clearwater, Straker fully intends to get Corlie back.


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It's possible for a sci fi futuristic pic like this, to misfire and be dull. That was the price of disappointment I got, watching this back in 84. When viewing it again, later in 95, only cause someone I knew, was an extra in it (my acting teacher at the time) it didn't impress upon me much more. It really has long spells of dullness. In no way, is it the actor's faults. They're all good, Wainwright, leaving his mark as the head villain of the show. I didn't know why he didn't go on to do more stuff, where there's a few who disappeared off the radar actors here. Wainwright and his posse of men roam around the mountains of beautiful New Zealand, in this monstrous tank truck, the battle truck, that occupies the front cover of the Roadshow titled movie, after no 1 commodity which is oil, shooting or killing anyone who gets in their way. Going up against him on his methane motorbike is Xanudu's Michael Beck, a likable hero. Standing between them is Annie McEnroe, who was Wainwright's ex once. She forms a relationship with Beck, where later she's kidnapped, and it's Beck to the rescue. Battletruck was just somewhat disappointing, who's American director, Harley Cokliss mad other films I liked. The actors have their moments and make some parts watchable, where they're are a couple of dead spots. Cheer's barfly, Ratzenberger was particularly good as Beck's friend who hides him out for a bit. For most part this full is on a par with dullness, the truck's fate into the path of dreck, the shining ray moment of this pic. Don't say I didn't warn ya.


I watched this film mostly just because I am a fan of Michael Beck and his films. This film I think he did pretty well in. His character seems a bit dark and knows what he's doing kind of guy. So the story is pretty simple.It's about a futuristic war in the 21st century is looking for a new age in technology. That's about how the film is. I am not so interested in the film, but like I said, i'm a Michael Beck fan. His character's name is Hunter and tries to stop the terrorists. It isn't bad for it's time, but now it's not so great. I give it 5/10 stars.Also, I would have gave an R rating for this film. I mean it has swearing in certain parts of the film, and there are lots of killings in this. I mean a PG rating? It's not really that nice in the film. Just saying.

Rochus Meijer

"Warlords of the 21st Century" aka "Battletruck" (as it is known to me) was a movie that I saw once when I was about eleven years old. It came on late night television and it left an extremely good impression on me.. Since then I've been trying to obtain the film on VHS for nearly eight years. It was so hard to get, even when I was in New Zealand I couldn't get my hands on it, as it was only for rent and no one would sell it to me.Seeing it again it didn't give me the same rush as I was little, but still, it was very entertaining. This low budget "Mad Max"-like action flick is no blockbuster, nor is it surprising since the storyline is very straightforward.. But the battletruck itself looks scary, the music is a little creepy and the acting performances are good enough.. Great for an evening on the couch with some friends, IF you can get your hands on a copy.. 7/10


I had to see if I could remember the name of this movie, and I'm perversely thrilled to find it. I haven't actually seen this film in years, but it became something of a benchmark that I measure all other crap movies I've ever seen against. When I was only about 14 I rented this movie with my best friend, when we had the brilliant notion that maybe all those movies we'd never heard of really were worth watching, so we picked one that seemed to have a cool cover. It was the most perfect piece of evidence that our theory was flawed in the extreme. Everything about this movie, from the acting, to the sets, to the effects, were laughably awful. The climax of the film was when the protagonist built what was supposed to be some sort of unstoppable war machine, but looked more like an errector set experiment gone horribly wrong, and nailed to a $50 junk-yard reject of a vehicle. Anyway, if you want an example of awful film making, rent this movie; otherwise, run far and fast towards the other side of the store.
