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The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu

The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu (2009)

October. 03,2009
| Adventure Horror Comedy

Jeff, a down on his luck office worker finds out he is the last living relative of horror novelist H.P. Lovecraft. What he doesn't know is that Lovecraft's monsters are real and will soon threaten the very existence of mankind. Jeff and his best friend Charlie are forced to embark on a perilous adventure and they enlist the help of high school acquaintance, Paul, a self proclaimed Lovecraft specialist. Together the three unlikely heroes must protect an alien relic and prevent the release of an acient evil, known as Cthulhu.


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John Sprocket

Who is the target audience? You might be tempted to think it is the bookish type who like Lovecraft's work of suspense and psychological horror. But this movie is not for geeks or readers. The main character says "bro" in nearly every sentence. There is no suspense, no thrills, and the only "nerds" in the movie are the butt of the jokes, not the heros.The pacing. The movie is only 78 minutes long (thankfully) and about 50 minutes of that is introduction. By the time the premise has been set up, and the action starts, the movie is two-thirds over.The humor. The humor seems aimed at the kinds of teenage boys who post homophobic comments on YouTube. The lame, unfunny "jokes" poke fun at rape and gay men, and that's about it.There are no female characters. The only two women in this wonderful piece of cinema are sexy tramps who have one line each.The lead actor. The two supporting characters are affable dorks who make bad jokes. Fine. But the main character has no charisma. At the start of the movie they present him as bland and boring. But the movie forgets to evolve him. Every second he was on the screen I found myself looking at my phone. Not a talented actor, either.I was bored. The movie suffered from a complete lack of direction; in the terrible script and in the sluggish pace. It is too slow and boring for a Bad Movie Night, so don't even bother.


This isn't a perfect movie, at places the acting and writing are a bit weak, but it's obvious that most of these people aren't hardened actors and that most of their effects are on a budget, and with that in mind, it's a damn good presentation.It's not a movie for hardcore Lovecraft fans who'll cry if someone gets their mythos a bit wrong, as the movie(which largely loyal to the concept) isn't particularly about madness and does take its chance to have a bit of fun with the silliness inherent in just about any horror situation.The start's a bit stuttering and not ideal, but by the end of the movie I was genuinely in love with it.Ultimately, if you approach this movie without expecting a big-budget Hollywood execution, but instead a competent indie/student movie, you won't be disappointed.


First off, if you've never heard of H.P. Lovecraft just stop reading now. This film is not your style.If however you've read (or read of) any of his works or have played D&D more than 3 times in your life then read on.This movie is crap. It has terrible effects, mediocre acting, a stupid storyline, and poor continuity. It is also FREAKING HILARIOUS. I laughed myself silly watching this.The entire film feels like a bunch of friends got together at a party, and after several rounds of drinks said "Hey! Let's make a movie!" -and then went out and made it. SPOILER ALERT: The wonderful thing about this is that you, the viewer, feel like you were along for the ride. You were there in the back yard with your buddies helping with the pool noodles and monster mask. You shot the animation and comic book sequences. You were the one shaking the the tents at the beach and the RV in the desert. What makes this movie special is that even though it is crap you can't help but love it. You feel emotionally invested in it, and that is a very rare an magical thing.I will be buying the DVD as soon as possible.


Jeez, I wanted to really like this as it has a clever concept (Lovecraft's last living relative in unwittingly brought into a battle with the returning Old Ones) but the execution is 100% terrible in my eyes. Not the film making itself as they do have some great camera-work, good FX for the budget and some clever animation bits. I'm laying the blame right at the feet of the leads. Jeff (Kyle Davis) and Charlie (Devin McGinn, who also wrote this) are so annoyingly portrayed and the first scene with the two will be a litmus test for you as a viewer. I was cringing and thinking, "This is going to be a long one" (and the film only runs 73 minutes). To make matters worse, they team up with a Lovecraft geek who is like Judiah Friedlander 2.0. It wants so bad to be the SHAUN OF THE DEAD of the Lovecraft genre, but falls flat on its tentacled face.
