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Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist

Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist (2014)

May. 23,2014
| Adventure Action

The most successful and most loved fighting video game of all time, Street Fighter', is finally being given the epic, and faithful treatment it deserves. Street Fighter: Assassins Fist takes us back to the formative years of the iconic characters, Ryu and Ken, as they live a traditional warriors life in the secluded, mountain wilderness of Japan. Training under their master, Goken, the boys are the last practitioners of the ancient fighting style known as Ansatsuken (Assassin's Fist). Originally developed as a killing art, masters of this style are able to manipulate their Chi/Ki energy into devastating special techniques of potentially fatal power. As Ryu and Ken learn about the mysterious past of their Master Goken and the tragic and dark legacy of the Ansatsuken style will the two best friends become bitter rivals as their training intensifies and reaches a climax?


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Ghey Ken

I liked the game. I had good memories of the game. This movie however has ruined the cognitive object in my mind that is Street Fighter, and destroyed it forever. I can't believe the number of people here giving this disaster any form of positive review. It went on and on and on. I felt like I had been sucked into a vortex where time no longer had any meaning. I feel like I have literally been trolled by the creators of this movie, for 2 and a half hours. It wasn't immediately obvious that this was the case. It sucks you in and holds and then disappoints you beyond belief. The punchline however was when the credits finally come up and you are left thinking "what in the actual *expletive removed*!".Where was the ending? What happened to the big bad guy in the mountain? Wasn't the first 2 hours all about the inevitable fight with his brother? Why was the ending the two students going on holiday ? It's like the writers are saying "HAHAHAHA NOW YOU HAVE TO WATCH THE SEQUEL".Not me. Not this critic. I would rather battle with registration on this website, laboriously fathom the changing of my display name to Ghey Ken, and pontificate for the next hour, than waste another moment of my life being trolled by Hollywood.Furthermore, where the hell was Chun Lee ? What's the point of making a Street Figther movie if you aren't going to have the spinning bird kick. It would have been more realistic also, if the movie had stopped half way through and pretended to crash, tricking me into taking the disc out and blowing on it a few times.In conclusion, this movie is a joke. They are trolling you especially when u pay for it. Don't let them ruin your childhood memories by tricking you into watching this junk. Ken was cool. This guy needs his mommy and a hair brush. And as for balls of magic Chi whizzing thought the air, it worked better in the game. I almost turned it off the first time it happened in the movie. I wish had.Trust me, this review is far better than the movie. Thank you for reading it to the end, but save yourselves. Don't make the same mistake with this movie.

Sheila Pollosco

When I watched the movie, I was very impressed with the moves and how the character played their roles. And the looks, they are more likely to have same feature especially Ken and Akuma base on the video game. The Hadouken and Shoryuken are fantastic and awesome!!! This is really an exciting movie and looking forward to watch the other Street Fighter sequel! When I was in college, I even compete with other players like challenging them while using Akuma as my favorite character. I am actually waiting for Akuma to use the Hadouken through the air. I really don't know the exact term but it is like firing the Hadouken while jumping. And also some kicks of Akuma in the video game are not shown in the movie. But nevertheless, I am really impressed overall with the movie. And it was nice to know how Goki became Akuma and how it all started between Ryu and Ken. Hopefully in the next Street Fighter movie sequel, they will include the story of Ken having a wife and a kid. And I also hope that they make the movie Street Fighter: New Generation and so to find someone who can portray the role of Gill with the power to do a meteor strikes. An Awesome Movie to watch!! :-)

Someone Maybe

This is how a video game adapted to TV-series.Beautifully filmed, great storyline and the best thing of all the characters and their customs done perfectly.The sound effect were very good if we put to our consideration that this is a fan film with low budget.The graphic effect again very good for low budget film.The action scene were AWESOME!! and the best thing in the whole series.This series and Joey Ansah more budget and more people and characters to be included in the series. also need more drama and character development.


I don't know beans about the video game this is based on other than I'm old enough to remember it in the arcades but as I've never been a fan of that kind of game I never really played it. So my review is as a casual martial arts movie fan...This is character driven, make no mistake. There is a plot and it's not bad but the bulk of the movie is us all getting to know these characters and their backstories. 90% of the scenes are in one dojo in the woods and if you are craving lots of spectacle you will be disappointed. This is cut more from the old Kung-fu TV series style of cloth, where there are lots of scenes of characters training and struggling with inner motivations on their way to becoming masters. In that sense it follows a grand tradition of martial arts cinema and that's a good thing. A little magic, a bit of action, and a lot of character development is what you get here.Most of it is set in the 80's with flashes back to the 60's and they did a good job of portraying those time periods without hitting us over the head with "hey it's the 80's". It's believable within the logic of the movie.It is not without flaws. Pacing is slow and while I get that's on purpose there are some areas where it is just too slow. There is also a bit of scenery sameness, it's pretty much all in the woods. What they did with the budget is amazing but it is still noticeable that there wasn't much of one. And a blond badger apparently climbed onto the head of one of the main leads and died there.Speaking of the acting, this is what carries the movie through the flaws. You can tell the actors were having fun with their particular archetypes they played out. It is their interactions that make the movie as interesting as it is.I think if you are a fan of traditional martial arts movies, perhaps not as filled with explosive action as modern fare, you will like this. I hope they make more and I look forward to seeing where they take the characters.Recommended.
