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Scourge (2008)

January. 31,2008
| Drama Horror Science Fiction Mystery

The ancient creature, The Scourge, long confined in a church, wreaks havoc in a small town. Bodies accumulate as Scott and Jessie, rekindling their love, become the town's last defense against the unleashed menace.


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I've seen worse movies, and this one did keep my interest. The creature effects are great.....but I have many problems with it, such as:SPOILER ALERTS.......SPOILER ALERTS.......SPOILER ALERTS....SERIOUSLY!1. Nic Rhind is good in his role, but he hardly comes across as a bad boy....more like the boy-next-door. We don't for one minute think he's a bad boy. He doesn't drink, smoke or curse, but then I guess he does ride a motorcycle, and he's supposed to be an ex-con, so that makes him a bad boy.2. Likewise, Robyn Ledoux is fine in her role, but the screenplay portrays her as the smartest girl on earth, as she scans old manuscripts and documents and in minutes finds out what they are dealing with and how to stop it. Not believable.3. The hideous creature eats it's way into the victim's belly button, right through their clothes several times, without leaving a hole in the person's clothes or their belly. Huh? No scars left behind by that thing? Come on.4. The first victim just disappears without a trace, as though his body is never found.5. The real trackers are in town, but stay away from the investigation while two college kids do the real work. Why? They only show up to mop-up after numerous victims have died.6. The victims spend about an hour with the creature feeding on their bodies, yet our college boy hero is compelled to pass it along after only a few minutes. I guess he just couldn't stomach the darn thing. His girlfriend knew that to remain safe, they both needed to drink lots of booze, but she didn't bother telling him? Poor guy gets a bad bellyache.7. And of course, the sweet young girl comes to the rescue, fighting off that monstrous creature like Xena, The Warrior Princess.In short, with some added scenes, and a few changes, it would have been much better.


Let me start off by saying I didn't love, like, dislike, or hate Scourge. It left me with a very indifferent feeling. Let's start with the pros. The concept behind Scourge is really cool and almost a fun idea. The effects and camera-work were well done. Some scenes were especially better than others (For example a scene in a mall involving an "infected").Here are the cons. The acting is wooden and it's hard to get into the story when your characters take dramatic pauses after they say something that's supposed to keep you in suspense. The acting was especially horrid from the ladies in this movie. The story never get's as exciting as it should be because the script is so boring it leaves you wanting to watch an action packed movie as opposed to a slow-burn psychological horror. It tried to be a gory and action packed horror movie that was also psychological and slow burn which in my opinion failed because the two styles clashed.I'd say skip it if you see it at stores and pick something up you'll know you'll enjoy. Even though it's technically sound it can't save awful actors and a lifeless script. Wait for it's syfy run.


The concept isn't new-- A small town, an unknown monster, a Girl who is almost ALWAYS related to the Town's Police Chief, a Bad Boy from the wrong side of the tracks with a soft spot for said Girl, a Police Chief with an Axe to grind with said Bad Boy. Creature gets loose. People die. Who What Where Why? and the movie is off!The special effects are minimal, but decent. The acting is. . .'Okay', because the plot is basic formula. Thus, the plot is predictable. But then, this is the goal of this movie. There's actually a little horror humor in there, so it actually lite viewing. There's some 'Ick', but the splatter quotient isn't over the top, so kids can watch it (Though very young ones might be frightened. . .if they don't play Teen Video games)It isn't Great, but they don't really flub it. Think of this as the basic teen monster flick that you would catch on Saturday night at 2AM on the USA Network or TBS channel (Do they still have those?)As much as people deride 'B' monsters movies, they do fill a niche. Sometimes, You just want something light, a little gory and not too disturbing while you just pass time with your nachos on the couch before you knock off for the night. And a chuckle or two in the mix caps it off nicely. Plus, unknown actors have to start SOMEWHERE! And Guyz, this movie is Girlfriend Friendly. You can pay attention with half an ear while she chats and discusses with you in the other. If you break away to get a beer or seriously focus on what she's saying for a coupla minutes, no problemo. This multitask set is easy.That's what Scourge is. Not Bad. Give it a try to fill the time.


well usually don't watch b-rate movies but the name interested me.... so here i am watching this epic fail and i just thought i would lay down a comment... while the movie was entertaining and interesting its all been done before however this has a particularly weak dialogue and storyline and the acting was terrible.... however i blame the script not the actors.... The cinematography wasn't bad and the graphic effect of the "monster" wasn't bad either (for a b movie).... I have seen a lot worse movies if u have nothing else to do then maybe give this a look but otherwise give it a miss... i got the movie from start to finnish but further dialogue to explain the situation in more detail would have made the movie better.... well don't want to add any spoilers but a better explanation or more of the churches involvement would have been prudent... as the movie does start with a church... idk my thoughts yes no maybe... gave it 4 because it wasn't a total fail but if you are reading this don't bother....
