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Ginger (1971)

March. 01,1971
| Drama Action Crime

The police suspect that a drug and forced-prostitution ring is behind the recent spate of kidnappings and disappearances, but so far they've been unable to infiltrate the suspects gang. To break the case, they recruit Ginger, a young woman from an upper-class family to act as bait for the kidnappers and hopefully lead the police to their hideout. It may sound like a foolproof plan to the police, but Ginger's the one who has to risk it all.


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Delightfully awful "Thriller" about a leggy blonde going undercover to catch a gang of bad guys and gals that are fleecing rich people somewhere in New Jersey and getting them hooked on drugs as well. Yes, the acting is really as bad as you may have heard. Cheri Caffaro says her lines with little conviction, yet she is one of the better thespians involved. I just loved the flashback scenes she goes through that are suppose to be so poignant but turn into being pure dreck - and a real hoot. Caffaro knows something about hoot, well, hooters that is. And so does the rest of the female cast. The detective helping Caffaro, William Grannel, has little acting talent either, but the worst performance which is so bad it becomes camp is by Duane Tucker as Rex Halsey, the guy that is the mastermind behind all the bad doings wearing a neck scarf throughout and has at least four buttons undone on his shirt. Everything he says he seems to be saying with such conviction to the audience as he madly overacts - rolling his eyes and saying pronouncements with facial gestures in the foreground of some of the cheapest sets I have seen in a film in some time. We do get many, many girls in various stages of undress though. The script is implausible. The budget super-cheap. With all its defects - and they are legion - I too enjoyed Ginger and look forward to seeing the two sequels. This movie is definitely a product of the 70s, a time when filmmakers could virtually and would do virtually anything they thought would be provocative. No PC here - and I find it refreshing. Movies today are so scared to walk the fine line that they have become flat in many ways. Ginger isn't flat(you gotta see it to believe it) at all. It is a guilty pleasure to be sure but one that I found very entertaining and was laughing with and about it from start to finish.


I don't have too much else to post here that the previous commenters haven't mentioned. Extremely cheap (a lot of it obviously filmed in motel rooms), surprisingly unerotic despite the ample nudity and sex, and sorely lacking in action and excitement. And with a lead character running around all of this who never comes across as cunning, intelligent, or even sexy. The movie is also sorely lacking linking footage, with people all of a sudden in situations that come out nowhere, or their fates left up to question. Apparently, the filmmakers didn't care enough to show us this, so why should we at all for the entire movie?

Dr. Gore

*SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT*I bought this one from Blockbuster for five bucks. I've stared at the video box for "Ginger" for the better part of my movie watching life, wondering when I was going to get around to watching it. There is a blonde on the front cover with ammunition belts covering both of her breasts. How could I resist? Sadly, that scene was not in this movie.Ginger is some sort of secret agent/private detective. Her boss sends her out to the Jersey Shore to check out some guys running drugs and prostitutes. They have a little blackmail scheme going on as well. Ginger uses her assets to seduce the bad guys and to find out what she can. First, the bad news. This movie stinks. The acting is terrible. AWFUL. Ginger was a leggy blonde with a harsh tan line and NO acting ability. There are plenty of sex scenes but they're filmed in a way that makes watching the sexual act a really depressing experience. Basically a naked girl will lie on top of a naked man. No movements. No attempt to even be a remote facsimile of sexual intercourse. It was bad. The good news is that there are plenty of naked breasts in the flick. Ginger gets naked a lot near the end of the movie. There is one scene which saves "Ginger" from the garbage can. It involves a naked Ginger in handcuffs on the bed. That was just sleazy enough to make me hold on to this tape. There's no need to watch this movie. If you feel you must, use the fast forward button. When you see a naked woman, stop.


In my honest opinion, watching this movie qualifies as an utter waste of life. I can't think of any other movie (I hesitate to call this a "film") that displays less intrinsic value to the viewer. As a matter of fact, I feel dumber for having seen it. Beware the "chicks and bullets" cover, it's utterly misleading, and there is nothing remotely erotic in there. If you're in the mood to be utterly disgusted, by all means watch it. As a matter of fact, this movie engenders a certain dissapointment in the human race in general for having produced it.
