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The Abductors

The Abductors (1972)

January. 28,1972
| Drama Action Thriller

Someone is stealing cheerleaders and other pretty girls and selling them to the highest bidder. Female super sexy spy Ginger is soon employed to investigate the disappearances. She does so by going undercover with a fellow agent and doing whatever is necessary to put an end to the operation and take down the leaders.


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In this second film of the "Ginger Trilogy" the detective known as "Ginger" (Cheri Caffaro) is called back into action to investigate the disappearance of four beautiful young women. Since the abductions appear to have been planned well in advance and all of the ladies disappeared in the same general area both Ginger and her boss "Jason Varone" (William Grannel) suspect that this is the work of a local sex slave operation. So in order to break the case a beautiful woman has to volunteer to be bait and hope that everything goes according to plan. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this film was better in some areas than its predecessor ("Ginger") but lacking in a couple of others. For starters I thought the acting and camera work were slightly better. However, some of the scenes lacked passion and the script could have used some improvement. In short, I rate this film about the same as I did the previous movie. Average.


It's funny that while it has virtually no fowl language, which floods movies today, the minimal sex in the movie is quite graphic (i.e., Rape Scenes) and would definitely get an NC-17 in today's world and most surely be picketed by anti-violence groups. This movie offers poor acting, editing and scripting, yet it's corn is somehow quite enjoyable. Maybe it's the over the top canned dialog, the B&D nature, or lack of silicone implants. I liked it much better than the original "Ginger." If you like to laugh at "Bad Cinema" or enjoy mainstream B&D, watch this movie.


This is the second installment in the Ginger series. Ginger (Cheri Caffaro) is a sexy detective who sets out to nail a gang of men who kidnap young, pretty women to sell them as white slaves to rich businessmen, as mistresses and with a view to bondage. Certainly she matches James Bond in terms of enjoying sleeping with the enemy, regardless of whether she converts them to good, as well as anyone else along the way who is attracted to her, which means she will be attracted to him. But this movie goes beyond James Bond in terms of not only graphic scenes, but bondage fantasies, and it seems Ginger enjoys men in bondage even more than her opponents enjoy women in bondage. There are also good action and backdrop, some amusing tension between Ginger and her mentor, and a good feeling or revenge against the bad guys, altho at the very end the movie departs from the main themes. The acting (besides Cheri) leaves something to be desired. Very entertaining, and definitely recommended.


This is the second film in the "Ginger" series, and Bridgette Bardot look-alike Cheri Caffaro is back, this time as a private investigator hired to infiltrate a ring of white slave traders.The film opens with a blonde woman (we'll call her a "stewardess"), wearing only her panties with her arms shackled behind her back, being thrown in a small cell. Next, 3 blonde girls (we'll call them "Cheerleaders") are kidnapped and taken to a strange building where they are stripped down to their panties and have their arms shackled behind their backs (seems to be a recurring pattern). They are then told by the kidnappers that they are going to be used as sex slaves, and when the girls resist they are turned to face a curtain. The chief bad-guy pulls back the curtain and behind the glass we see the stewardess suspended like a hammock in the air, still wearing her panties but squirming quite a bit. It seems that the stewardess had resisted the bad-guys, too. Shocked at the sight, the girls cower and agree to become sex slaves. The reason why the girls were allowed to keep their panties on? As a sign of their submission, they must present their panties to the kidnappers.Ginger is called onto the case to track down the disappearance of the females, and she launches her investigation by becoming bait for the kidnappers (well, actually she gets another girl to be the bait but they both end up getting kidnapped). At various points in the movie Ginger and her sidekick end up naked, bound, and having sex with the kidnappers. But don't worry, our hero always gets her man.This installment of the series is much better than the first film ("Ginger") since it had a higher budget to work with. More money = more chicks, more bad guys, more "B" movie bondage/adventures. And since this film was made before the age of silicone implants, they're real (and they're spectacular).In today's period of conservative politics, feminism, Moral Majority, and sexual restraint (a by-product of the AIDS scare), it's a pretty good bet that no movie series will ever be made quite like the "Ginger" series. Sure, there are X-rated bondage films out there, but none will ever be the "B" movie fare that this film series is.
