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Canoa: A Shameful Memory

Canoa: A Shameful Memory (1976)

March. 04,1976
| History Crime

A group of students arrives in a small town during a hiking expedition. Once there, the local priest accuses them of being communist agitators on the run from an army crack-down against student demonstrations in nearby Mexico City and rallies the townsfolk to lynch them. Based on a true story.


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alfonso teja

Reading so much praise to this movie makes me feel that I'm in the late 60's or the early 70's again. Director Cazals has done some good movies, but no master piece at all. So Canoa's not what many of you say it is.First of all, remember that this picture was produced by Conacine, with money from the Government. It was not censored. Never. And tough it has some brilliant achievements (like Salvador Sanchez' as the narrator), the true is that the Mexican government used some historical events in a very tricky way to present the army as the savior of the remaining students that were not killed by the mob. Of course the catholic priest that appears in the movie is hateful, despite the wonderful job of actor Enrique Lucero. But the movie's big point was to distract people from the social reality that politically speaking was very explosive at that time. So the soldiers make the good ones, when the people was hurt by the recent genocide in Tlaltelolco's ground. And Cazals knew it all the time. Not a bad movie, but you have to consider this, as it is presented as "a part of history", but it has other sides to it.


I watched Canoa when it first came out to the movie theaters; I was around 15 and I had lived the 1968's student movement. Tlatelolco massacre was fresh in our minds and hearts and while not referring directly to it, Canoa catches that feeling with honesty and courage. This two qualities are always present in Cazal's work, but this film is his master piece.We have also tho see Cazal's films in the context of the Mexican cinema of the moment, along with the work of Arturo Ripstein, Jaime Humberto Hermosillo, Jorge Fons and many other talented filmmakers. In Mexico their work tend to be overlooked mostly for political reasons.Mario de la Garza


This movie is based in a real life story in which a group of students and university workers go on holiday and finish in a small town (Canoa) in the Mexican countryside. They look for a place to spend the night without being aware of what his happening around them until it is too late.The political climate is volatile: Mexico, 1968, leftist students have been protesting all around the country and the local priest is a megalomaniac afraid to loose his little power and completely paranoid about communism.What follows is the mob taking over under the directions of the local priest, with funest consequences for the unfortunate students.Very explicit violence, Disturbing scenes.Highly recommended.


I live in in Mexico and this movie was censored long time.It is a great movie and represents the reality of 1968 in mexico.
