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I Married a Strange Person!

I Married a Strange Person! (1998)

August. 28,1998
| Fantasy Animation Comedy Science Fiction

On their wedding night, Grant begins experiencing strange, supernatural powers and his bride Keri can't cope. Whenever Grant thinks of something, it becomes reality, yet he doesn't know where this magic came from. Things become more complicated when a megalomaniac CEO sends the military to capture Grant in order to weaponize his abilities.


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Adam Venedam

This film was one of the best surreal films I actually enjoyed in a long time, great WILD style, love the way he animates the faces to its very creepy but awesome at the same time, I enjoyed the first half better than the last half though.It seems like an hour and ten mins is very short but like other people said the pacing is a bit over the top I found, the first half kept me purley entertained and never got bored once, but then the last half it felt like there were almost no breaks, it was just a wild rollar coaster until the end which was just as amazing and unique as the first half but its not as powerful because its just so much to take in so fast, it should of had bigger breaks towards the end, one other minor thing irradiated me was how they shoot at the woman and husband at the end point blank range for like 5 minutes and they just dodge them all, I know its not taken seriously but that just felt so dragged out and took away from the overall ending experience.But thats just the negative, go watch this film IT IS AMAZING its like nothing I have ever seen before, best words to describe it....Fantasia on speed and acid.


Genius. Pure, sleight-of-hand-animated, single cel by single celled organ... genius. If only more people could refer to their movies as "labors of love" and truly mean LABOR as in... giving birth. The blood couldn't be more ever-present.Five things for me: the themes of government over individuality (that is to say that money and might makes right), the theory of what I REALLY want to do to my in laws (if I had them), how to hum a happy little tune of some random order all the while, what's really going through a guy's head during sex, and how DID you get to be so cute?Please note that the complexity and intellectuality of the most important things were presented in a descending order. The movie moves a bit more erratically, though with a lot more color and sound.Watch it. If only to say you did. If only to turn to someone else the previous day and say, "I watched this flick last night. I don't know if I'll sleep properly for a week but I've got to own it."It's like being the guy who drinks something out of a cup that's been sitting out for three days, gagging furiously and then looking to your roommate and saying, "Man, this stuff tastes like s#!t. You've got to try it!" Only in a good way. The movie looks gorgeous, is captivating as only lovingly tendered sick humor (with a certain political morality) could be, and is easily one of the most originally sketched visions in motion picture history.Enjoy. Bill Plympton is the man.


After newlywed businessman Grant Boyer is electrocuted by his satelite dish, he develops a strange lump on the back of his neck that gives him the power to bring his crazy thoughts and fantasies into reality. Of course, since this is a Plympton film, you can safely assume that this is merely an excuse to load the movie with lots of blood, sex, talking animals, bulging eyeballs, and more detached limbs than you can count. While extremely imaginative, well-animated, and generally fun to watch, the film runs its course within the first half-hour or so. Plympton is an amazing artist, but his art is best viewed in short-film form.


I watched this movie with my sister last night on Cinemax and I must say this was absolutely brilliant! I am a big fan of Bill Plymptons animation which can be seen on Cartoon Sushi on MTV. OK it starts off with two birds having sex (which right there tells you that this movie is gonna be hilarious). The movie itself is about a guy with some kind of object lodged in the back of his neck that gives him all these crazy powers, and the government is trying to find him. Not only does this movie have a lot of funny sex scenes. It also has a lot of gratuitous violence, with brains and c**p coming out of peoples bodies. Bill Plympton is the master of animated violence. I recommend that everybody see this movie. It's so hilarious that you'll be laughing at it for days to come. Oh yeah the little songs in it are cute too
