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Deet N Bax Save Th' World

Deet N Bax Save Th' World (2015)

April. 20,2015
| Comedy

Loveable losers Deet and Bax, best friends and struggling weedpreneurs, unknowingly help Amanda an undercover Agent infiltrate a South American Drug Cartel and cross paths with an eccentric billionaire.


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"Deet N Bax Save Th' World" is a movie that works. A type of movie that I haven't seen in a very long time, and that is the late night B-rated Cinemax type movie that most of us have enjoyed at some point in our life. With your mind set on the right genre, "Deet N Bax" delivers 110%.Language? Check.Rude humor? Check.Non-rude humor? Check.Violence? Check.Nudity for no apparent reason other than to have nudity? Check.Stupidity? Check.Cheesy? Check.A movie that you can't watch with your grandma? Check."Deet N Bax Save Th' World" will unboutably have a cult following because it is that movie. The movie is what it claims to be…a stoner comedy, and it needs to be watched and reviewed in that mindset.With that said, let's look at some of the particulars. Jason Mewes can't act…he's Jason Mewes on and off the screen. But…and that is a big but…that is exactly what his fans want and expect from him. Maybe he's typecast, maybe he's not, but he's keeping his Jay character alive and high, and he's not disappointing his fans in this film either. You want Jay…you got Jay.Weston Cage actually did a great job, and I'm not surprised that he can act because he can. He played his role well, I was just waiting for him to yell out, "Say hello to my little friend"…Tony Montana style. The accent was perfect, but I couldn't take Mr. Cage seriously (I know…it's a stoner comedy…you can't take anything seriously). I'm looking forward to seeing what else he can do in future projects.Craig Michaelson killed it and brought depth to his depthless character. But let's face it, Craig's character, Bax, is gross…I mean gross. Bax should be the poster child (man…person…whatever) for anti-drug ads.The Oscar has to go to Todd Robinson. Not only is his character a badass, but the absolute best parts of the film are when Todd's character Ronin is talking to his boss; not so much what they are saying, but the second right after they are done speaking. Ronin looks away, and his face says it all; and that is, that his boss is an absolute dumbass.Like I said, the movie is what it is, and that is that late night B-rated Cinemax type movie, and it would be unfair to review it as anything else. I have to give "Deet N Bax Save Th' World" one thumb up, and I recommend you wait to see it when it is released on DVD. Better yet, wait until it hits Cinemax and watch it there…you know want to.


Where to begin. I managed to find a free copy of it on youtube so thankfully I never paid for it. Nor should anyone. There is literally nothing good about this "film". Let's starts with the script: It was as if a lazy 14 year old highschool student scrambled to slapt together at the last moment his assignment that was due for his writing 101 class. Story: There was no story. Just two guys masturbating and crapping all over the screen. The entire "plot" of "saving the world" took place in the last act over a span of about 4-minutes. And it wasn't even the main characters who saved the world, it was some random goon. Then the plot shifted to an abysmally boring "sub"-plot with Wes Cage and how they stole his seeds... Why not just call the movie Deet n Bax steel seeds is beyond me. That's what the overall plot was about anyway. I think. But over all, the writer/director I don't think had a clue what he was doing. Acting: ... None. Just a bunch of people rambling at the camera for a good hour. About nothing. I'm not kidding, there is no dialog in this movie. It's just the director having no idea how to write dialog so he asked his actors to just spit stuff out and use ALL of it in the final cut... Which brings me to...The Editing:.... Holy ****. I haven't seen such poor editing in a "budgeted" film outside of a middleschool film project. For a movie with clearly money attached to it, you'd think they could have hired an actual editor and not just some guy who can use "cool effects on the puter". No, this has got to be some of the worst I've ever seen. Audio that clipped, horrible pacing, a terrible product placement that I don't think is actually a product showing up literally ever 2 minutes. Did the producers not know how product placement work? Did they think they needed to create one in order to have one? How is that helping them!? Product placement is meant for the producer to get money for the product! The Humor: Hah! The funniest part of the movie was that they thought they were being funny. The jokes were like a 50 year old was trying to cater to a younger audience. It was painful. The best part of all of this... It was so confident in itself. It knew it was going to succeed. And now all that "420k" budget is going to never be returned again. This honestly belongs on the IMDb bottom 100.
