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Smile Before Death

Smile Before Death (1972)

May. 03,1972
| Horror Crime Mystery

After the death of her mother under strange circumstances, a teenage girl quickly begins to suspect that her recently widowed stepfather may be involved.


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The chirpy, Euro-Barbara Windsor squeaking soundtrack that introduces this film would perhaps fool you into think you're about to watch some "Whoopsy-Boing!" sex comedy, but you'd be wrong. Except for the sex bit.A horrible rich lady who has an open marriage with her Roman noble husband (Silvano Tranquili) is found dead within a locked room, her throat cut. Everyone thinks it was suicide...well, the police think it was suicide, but no one else does, especially housekeeper Magda, who now tends to the needs of Silvano and his mistress, photographer and professional moody looking smoker Rosalba Neri. A spanner is thrown into the works when the rich lady's daughter from a previous marriage turns up after quitting boarding school (or something like that). Her wide eyed innocence certainly catches the eyes of Rosalba, who quickly bonds with the girl by taking loads of pictures of her and conveying the idea that she may bat for both sides, as it were. Silvano's eyebrows are certainly raised when comes home to find his step-daughter bare-arsed in front of a mirror, but if this newcomer has a legit stake in the money left by the rich jerk lady, what are out scheming twosome going to do about it?This is more of your old-school giallo set in a big house with rich people being duplicitous and trying to out-do each other, with the usual plot twists thrown in for good measure, and a whole heap of photographer sessions between the young girl and a drooling Rosalba Neri. Obviously the girl gets it on with both the lead actors but you don't get a slow motion lesbian sex scene like you did with Silvio Amadio's previous Amuck. That said, those looking for nudity won't be let down as the stepdaughter seemingly spends half the film naked.I've got to admit that I found the soundtrack really irritating. "A-chi-chi-chi-di-di-dididida-chi...aaaaaaaah!" indeed.


After years at a boarding school, Nancy Thompson (Jenny Tamburi) arrives at her late mother's home and is introduced to her step-father, Marco (Silvano Tranquilli), whom she's never met, and his lady friend, Gianna (Rosalba Neri). Nancy's mother's death was ruled a suicide, but Nancy's not so sure. She suspects that either Marco or Gianna or dboth may have had a hand in her death. Nancy begins playing a dangerous game by pitting Marco and Gianna against each other in her attempt to get to the truth.Smile Before Death is nice little giallo. With only three characters that have any real screen-time and only two or three different sets, it's what I'd definitely call "little". Nancy's mother's murder may not be overly complicated, but it's still a real treat to watch Nancy get to the bottom of things as Marco and Gianna turn on each other. It's a hoot watching Nancy play them like a fiddle. They fall for it hook, line, and sinker. It's some terrific writing given how "little" the movie is. Director Silvio Amadio (better known for his giallo, Amuck) does a remarkable job of keeping the interest high even though we already know where most of the film is headed. Amadio also does a fantastic job of springing not just one, but two twists near the film's finale. Both worked perfectly as far as I'm concerned. Fantastic job of filmmaking. I can't say enough about the cast. I'm not really familiar with Tamburi, but here, she's perfect. Her transformation from shy schoolgirl to full-blown sexpot is a nice piece of acting. Tranquilli is a real pro, having appeared in a number of genre films I've seen in the past. As for Neri, I've sung her praises so many times in the past that doing so here would be pointless. I'll just say, she's good.Based on my rating, it's obvious that the film isn't perfect in my eyes, but giallo fans really ought to check out this relatively obscure film. It's worth it.


When her estranged(..and very rich)mother dies(..ruled a suicide, though it's obviously not), teenage Nancy(Jenny Tamburi, twenty at the time, but succeeds in her portrayal of a coquettish Lolita-type of teenage girl who might not be the dense, naive simpleton they at first suspect)returns home from years of various boarding schools to enjoy life on the wilder side, living with lothario step-dad Marco(..the handsome Silvano Tranquilli)and successful photographer Gianna(..the sensual Rosalba Neri, so divine you can't take your eyes off of her). Gianna was given carte blanche by Nancy's mother Dorothy to live in her own place while operating a studio on the estate. Gianna was also Marco's lover, and the two scheme to murder Nancy because when she "comes of age", the inheritance is hers. But, instead Nancy begins to seduce them, while also turning Gianna and Marco against each other through cunning manipulation..but, while quite drawn to Nancy, neither actually ever trusts her.Boy, this is quite a trio we watch throughout the film. You always wonder what might happen next despite the fact that writer-director Silvio Amadio lays the cards out on the table midway through regarding how Dorothy was killed, detailed how it was accomplished, letting us know that Nancy might be in grave danger because the murder was so well orchestrated. Yet, you always(..or, at least I did)wonder what Nancy has up her sleeve. Late into the film, Marco discovers Nancy chatting with someone at a horse race which plants a seed of curiosity regarding her own possible agenda. The film is slick under Amadio's direction and he casts doubt on all three characters. To chose, Nancy seems to be the one we sympathize with as Marco and Gianna plot about the proper method of execution.My favorite aspect is the homo-eroticism between Gianna and Nancy. Through Neri's performance(..she commands your attention in a minimalist fashion), we can see Gianna's attraction to Nancy right away, and as the film continues, that infatuation grows(..especially after photographing her nude or barely clothed)..it's all in her eyes, this lust that begins to take hold. Also racy is Nancy's seduction of the much older Marco, his resistance of her not contained very long. But, most of all, the twists at the end. The fate of all who desire the deceased Dorothy's money, along with multiple double crosses, and the downfall of an ingenious plot(s), not to mention the ultimate irony as the screen fades black, certainly make SMILE BEFORE DEATH quite a giallo worth seeking out if you can find a copy. It deserves a legitimate DVD release, a giallo I'm sure fans would be interested in.


From the director of the better known "Alla Ricerca del Piacere" (aka "Amuck!") comes this stylish thriller that involves not only a confusing web of love affairs and relationships, but also - towards the climax - a bundle of twists that are guaranteed to surprise every viewer without becoming implausible at any moment.And this is the big plus of this movie: The twists all work. The first half moves on relatively slow (similar to Silvio Amadio's above mentioned earlier Giallo), but the viewer already gets enough information to know that the plot isn't as simple as it seems. In the second half the film becomes a roller coaster ride of red herrings, plot twists and other surprises, which makes it decisively superior to Amadio's earlier effort.The acting is also thoroughly convincing, which is especially important once the film is finished and the viewer gets the whole story. But the most remarkable thing in this intriguing Giallo is the lush, ear-catching main theme that will never let one go after being heard for the first time.
