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The Devil Thumbs a Ride

The Devil Thumbs a Ride (1947)

February. 20,1947
| Thriller Crime

Steve Morgan kills a man in a holdup and hitches a ride to Los Angeles with Fergie. At a gas station, they pick up two women. Encountering a roadblock, Morgan takes over and persuades the party to spend the night at an unoccupied beach house. The police close in as one by one, the others learn that Morgan is a killer.


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This is a near-legendary noir (but curiously rare – since it has not been issued on DVD or shown on Italian TV despite, respectively, the Warner Noir Box Sets and a comprehensive RKO retrospective!) due to the memorable title and the commanding presence of one of the major cult figures within its ranks, leading man Lawrence Tierney. It marks the fourth vehicle from his heyday that I have watched after DILLINGER (1945), BORN TO KILL (1947) and BODYGUARD (1948); I also own but have yet to watch KILL OR BE KILLED (1950), and another I might acquire soon is THE HOODLUM (1951). Truth be told, for all the film's reputation, the general consensus about its actual quality is quite mixed – with, for instance, the "Leonard Maltin Movies & Video Guide" awarding it a measly **! Still, not having indulged in this form of hard-boiled entertainment in some time (indeed, I plan on dedicating a good part of the month to some choice titles among the gazillion unwatched noirs in my collection), I was perhaps more willing to be responsive to even a 'minor' genre entry such as this! Anyway, the star is probably at his most cynical and ruthless here, being involved in a "stick-up" that turns into a "murder rap" within the first two minutes and, consequently, pursued all the way through by copper Harry Shannon (i.e. "Citizen" Kane's dad)! Incidentally, the plot unfolds in a very tight 62 minutes, with its first half taking on all the familiar characteristics of a 'road movie' and the rest transpiring in a beach-house (a favorite seedy spot for this type of fare). Another department where the film may be felt lacking is the supporting cast, as most of Tierney's fellow actors are kind of bland and strictly stock types. One young man is a newly-wed, who is forever being prevented from reaching his wife (to the consternation of her domineering mother); another is a balding middle-aged watchman with a weakness for alcohol. The characters of the remaining women, too, are easily delineated: one is pretty but reserved and, therefore, easy prey to the anti-hero's guile (though he eventually has no qualms about disposing of her when she interferes in his plans!), while her companion is spirited and chatty (unfortunately, the actress concerned has a rather masculine voice!) and even hooks up with Tierney, to her ultimate chagrin. In the end, Tierney – and director Feist – may have done better, but this film's cult status is certainly not undeserved in my book...


Boy! was Lawrence Tierney tough - both on screen and off. He had a very "don't mess with me" attitude. From the start of his career - even in uncredited parts - you wanted to see more of him. Unfortunately drink killed his career - he would have been a superb character actor but he did star in some very memorable noir films. This is one of his best.Unsuspecting Jimmy Ferguson (Ted North) picks up a hitch-hiker, Steve Morgan (Lawrence Tierney) on his way home to Los Angeles. He soon regrets it as Morgan is edgy, rude and no wonder - he has just been involved in an armed robbery. When they pull into a gas station Steve invites two girls to ride with them while Jimmy is in the wash room and he immediately begins to try pick up lines on shy Carol (Nan Leslie) but she isn't having any of it. The ride becomes a nightmare with police chases, shooting - all to the horror of the unsuspecting passengers (Steve is now driving). Morgan then tells them the story of his sad childhood but when they stop at the beach house that Jimmy's boss owns things go from bad to worse. Jimmy tries to explain things to his wife when he rings her but she doesn't believe him. In the meantime Steve has flattened the tyres with a broken bottle and cut the telephone wires - then there is a murder!!!!This is a really gripping little thriller, reminiscent of "Detour". Lawrence Tierney is the only name in the cast but everyone is perfect in their roles. Nan Leslie is sweet as the shy Carole - it was surprising she didn't become a bigger star. This was Betty Lawford's last movie and she makes an impression as Agnes. She had come to Hollywood as the female lead in "Gentlemen of the Press" (1929) but Kay Francis is the reason everyone remembers that movie. Marian Carr was Jimmy's wife Diane.Highly Recommended.


Ironic, given that TCM's print of "Detour" looks and sounds so awful it borders on unwatchable, this little film plays with crystal clear sound and a perfect picture.While "Devil" does not really approach the genius of "Detour", it is a very engaging story and a fun hour of film. The hitch-hiker is disturbingly without conscience, and his ability to manipulate the actions of both the driver and the other passengers display a rather keen understanding of the sociopathic personality. Just how different life was in the 1940's is immediately made clear by those two dames that get picked up early in the film (this is so unlikely in 21st America that no self-respecting film-maker would ask you to believe it).The pace is taunt, which I like, and there are a few real surprises along the way. Our story is marred only (and BADLY) by a very stupid slapped on ending that may have gotten a chuckle out of contemporary audiences, but will surely illicit only groans from the modern viewer. Still worthwhile, enjoy the ride and don't pick up any strangers!


I saw this many years ago on AMC. I barely remember the story, but I do remember that it was a very effective piece of noir. I've wanted to see it again, but it is extremely hard to come by. It isn't on video or DVD, and it rarely appears at revival theatres. If you ever have the chance to catch this on AMC or TCM, do whatever you can to see it. I definitely put it up there with "Detour" and "They Walked By Night". Great stuff.
