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The Haunted World of Edward D. Wood, Jr.

The Haunted World of Edward D. Wood, Jr. (1996)

May. 01,1996
| Documentary

Often called the worst director in the history of cinema, Ed Wood is nevertheless a beloved figure among cult-film aficionados for his oddball productions. This documentary takes a look back at Wood's unique career at the margins of 1950s Hollywood, speaking to those who loved him and hated him. Bela Lugosi Jr. discusses his father's work in the abysmal "Plan 9 From Outer Space," while a Baptist reverend recalls how he was tricked into financing the film.


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Dalbert Pringle

For starters - This potentially promising bio-documentary that focused in on Ed Wood (who has been unanimously voted "Worst Director of All Time") gave this somewhat dissatisfied viewer the clear impression that underneath the surface of all of his undeniable incompetence there lurked a man of great directorial genius.This, of course, is a matter that is open to some serious debate since I, personally, do not believe this to be true of Wood.But, contrary to what my opinion might be - All of the comments made by those interviewed here who knew and worked with Wood gave one the clear impression that his greatness was, indeed, there, but it was never given the chance to "come-out-of-the-closet" (like his cross-dressing did).Anyway - This 110-minute documentary certainly had both its fair share of good moments, as well as its not-so-good moments.And, so - As the sad and pathetic story of Ed Wood finally comes to its inevitable close - He died in 1978, at the age of 54, a hopeless alcoholic and an utter failure as a director.


Being an independent filmmaker and a huge fan of Edward D. Wood Jr. I purchased this documentary believing that this would finally set the record straight on how gifted and brilliant Ed Wood actually was. What I got was a disappointing self-centered, conflictive, contradictory compilation of bitter self-aggrandizing has-beens. Where people DO remember Ed Wood Jr., do people actually remember the second cousin of the guy with the duct tape who knew someone who was in Plan Nine From Outer Space? It appears as though, the very minute there is a renewed interest in Ed Wood, these people come out of the "Wood"work! Only to take mean spirited swipes at someone who actually gave them a chance when no-one else would! After 50 years I would suggest that many of these people should let go of the fact that they didn't get the $75 they were promised!Ed Wood was a brilliant creative filmmaker who knew how to entertain. In-fact that was ALL he lived for. You may giggle when you see Ed's films, but somehow you are aware that you are laughing WITH him, and not AT him. But, I digress... Back to the film at hand. If you are expecting a film ABOUT Edward D. Wood Jr., you won't get it here. If you want a film about cranky bitter old actors, this is the film for you!


This is the story of a group of people. Many of whom had worked for "Big Studios" at one time or another. Some were Stars that the Studios had kicked aside and all but forgot about. But they helped each other in their single-minded quest... TO MAKE MOVIES. In the past, they were the targets of countless documentaries slanted to portray Ed Wood and his Players as a Hustler and his Dupes. Their pride in their work prompted them to speak to these docu-vultures and lay themselves open for ridicule. BUT, FINALLY, THIS FILM DOES JUSTICE TO THEIR WORK. Each is given the respect due them. Each is allowed to tell his or her story without being made to look foolish. If you want to see a truthful look at the people who were the Ed Wood players... WATCH THIS MOVIE...


It seems the criterion for being asked to participate in this documentary was "does Ed Wood still owe you money?" All of Ed's associates are there bashing him and cashing in at the same time. Good for them. Ed was a dishonest guy and he owes them all one at least.The story is fascinating of those who were stepped upon by a man who pretended to be a Hollywood director/producer/writer. He was so good at pretending though he actually finished a couple of films.It didn't matter that he had no business doing it. This is the story of how Hollywood could be hijacked for a short time, when it wasn't looking. For this feat Ed Wood is still admired by fans of truly independent film. Wood cheated Hollywood, investors, studios, and even his friends, but he never cheated his audience. Ed Wood did what he wanted to do. He made the films he wanted to see. It's just that his tastes weren't all that refined. Fortunately, neither were those of the syndicate stations who played Ed's Plan 9 from Outer Space ad nauseum in the 70's and made Ed a cult legend.The biggest problem with The Haunted World of Ed Wood is the fact that actor/mystic seer "Criswell" is given short shrift.
