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The Ironbound Vampire

The Ironbound Vampire (1994)

January. 01,1994
| Horror

WWI soldier is saved (or, is he cursed?) by the efforts of a vampire. Afterwards, GI settles in New Jersey, where detective theorizes about unsolved murders and disappearances.


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Ironbound Vampire, The (1997) * (out of 4) Ultra low budget horror flick about a man injured during WW1 only to be bitten by a vampire. In current day Newark "Ironbound", NJ, the man starts looking for new women. The only reason I watched this thing was because Ed Wood regulars Dolorus Fuller and Conrad Brooks had small roles. It was nice seeing those two but other than that this film offers very little. Even though the film only runs 59-minutes it seems to go on forever.Go watch an Ed Wood movie instead.


I love low and no budget horror flicks. Ironbound Vampire was probably made for five bucks. It's got it's saving graces, but they may not appeal to everybody. The look of the main vampire is perfect. His vampire bride is excellent. The casting of Conrad Brooks and Delores Fuller is a treat. Conrad Brooks is really effective (maybe I've been drinking too much of the wine he was pushing in this movie). There's good music too. The story contains some decent creepy ideas that really appeal to me also. There's quite a few good artistic touches in this movie, but in the end it's still a very low low budget video. This is a good start even if the movie never manages to fully rise above it's severe budget restraints.


I just got this one on dvd and loved it.. With a lot of cool bonus stuff and a blooper reel that is to die for.. all i can say is "THE CHEESE THE CHEESE" BEST BLOOPER EVER..As for the movie with it extended scenes was very well done. love the cast that was used for the days of old to the new actors and actress. Can't wait to see their new film "The Ghosts Of Angela Webb" on dvd. A true Ghost story of a haunted house in New Jersey..


Just watched Ironbound Vampire, in my continuing search for the absolute worst movie, and this is a contender. I would be less harsh if I knew that it was somebody's class project, with relatives and friends participating; i. e., not professionals but amateurs. The story: a soldier's WWI wounds are a feast for a vampire, which causes the military man to become an undead. Thereafter, the recruit settles in the Ironbound section of Newark, NJ, and is responsible for many of that area's unsolved murders and missing persons since then. Among the characters to whom we are introduced during the film are a detective, who writes a book about these events; and a doctor, who helps capture the never-aging bloodsucker. Gore is almost nil. Make-up is Halloweenish. Effects are not special. Watch this flick only to realize that anybody with a camera could do just as well - probably better.
