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The Dirt Bike Kid

The Dirt Bike Kid (1985)

November. 24,1985
| Fantasy Family

When his mother sends Jack off with money to buy groceries, he comes home with a magic supercharged dirt bike instead. His mother is furious, but when Jack uses the magic bike to save the local hot dog stand from the clutches of corrupt big business, he becomes the town hero.


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Jack (Pete Billingsley) buys a magic dirt bike that becomes his new best friend. He uses the bike to save a hot dog stand from a greedy banker. He stands up to bullies and criminals who try to take his bike. Then he lets another kid take his bike.Now let's look at this from an adult perspective. Jack's mother needs him buy groceries when they can barely afford to eat. He blows off the money on a dirt bike that some guy says is magic. His mother makes him sell the bike, but it keeps coming back to him, which he decides to keep, even though it doesn't belong to him anymore. When a local banker can no longer fund a hot dog stand because he needs to make a profit, Jack will do what ever he can to save it. This kid has no regard for the rules and no respect for authority. He breaks into meetings where he is not welcome and illegally saves the hot dog stand. He is now the hero because the banker is clearly the villain for trying to make money. Jack suffers no consequences for his actions.It was a good movie. How can anyone not love Pete Billingsley. Jack is a good kid. He cares about other people and is not afraid to stand up for what is right. I admire him for being an activist. What I don't like is how one-sided this movie is. Was the banker the clear villain? Sure, he probably had a lot of money and was going to tear down a place that meant a lot to many people, so he could make more money. But people in business do that all the time. Does that mean they're all evil? Jack wanted to stand up for those who didn't have much of a voice, but took know consideration to the other side. Could he have still fought for what was right without breaking all of the rules? I think that would have sent a stronger message.


This, the Karate Kid Part II, and Flight of the Navigator were the first three movies I ever had on VHS, and boy did I wear them out. This is in many ways the classic 80s kid's movie story. Evil developer/lawyer types want to pave over the hot dog restaurant, or the Goonies' house, or Ernest's summer camp, or Demi Moore's grandparents, and our heroes spring into action!That hilarious kid who played Ralphie in A Christmas Story plays a nerd in a town where every kid inexplicably has a motorbike (even 12 y/o girls ride pink Vespas). He buys a junky old dirt bike that he fixes up in a montage scene, and the bike comes to life and can do awesome stuff on its own. Using his super-bike, Ralphie must stop a evil, greedy banker from paving over Mike's Dog House, the local hot dog joint. It's a fun movie for kids, and the good guys win at the end.


some movies are very good. others are very good, but only better. i'd have to say, based on seeing the movie, that the dirt bike kid is the ladder. peter billingsley showed his talent on the christmas story and then again on this movie he showed it again. this doesn't have any of those 'so called' fancy camera angles that other 'good movies' have. it has a real down to earth plot with down to earth actors.


I recently saw the movie on the "DISNEY CHANNEL" and I thought it was magnificant. After seeing this movie I think there should be a flying bike in all of the movies. I give it 40 * out of 40 * One of my most favorite movies of all time. Anyone who likes this one should see cop and a half and problem child 1 and 2
