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Badlands of Kain

Badlands of Kain (2016)

April. 05,2016
| Horror Thriller Mystery

Shannon and Kris embark on a cross country road trip, to put back the pieces of their strained friendship. But it all falls apart when their car breaks down in Kain, Arizona. A place where you can check in anytime you want, but you can never leave.


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Michael Ledo

Kris (Katrina Norman) and Shannon (Rachelle Dimaria) are besties on a road trip from California to Flagstaff Arizona. Along a back road, Ladybug, the best car in the world, breaks down. They are rescued by Father Terry (Paul Soter) of Kain who also operates a wrecker service. The town is odd and the girls are anxious to get on the road.Yes this is similar to a couple of movies I won't name to prevent spoiling the plot. I even had a clever title to go along with it. Let's just say I enjoyed the other films more than this one. This film took too long to develop and the payoff I had already figured out. The acting was passable. The film was more of a Twilight Zone type of thriller than horror. Decent film with a nice surprise.Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.


***Spoilers Ahead, Maybe?*** I've read so many reviews comparing Badlands Of Kain to an episode of Twilight Zone & I'm going to be another 1...... Watching Badlands Of Kain was like watching a 1 hour 50 minute episode of The Twilight Zone.It's a good movie that's worth watching.I don't know if it's worth buying or renting (I wouldn't rent or buy it myself) but I'd recommend watching it at least once.It had my attention right from the start till the very end & that was the best part, the ending.I did not see it coming.I was expecting that the town of Kain was a town full of some type of monsters or something but it wasn't, it was something else.I won't spoil it for anybody so you'll just have to see it for yourself.If you're a fan of The Twilight Zone then maybe you'd enjoy it more than somebody who's not.I'm not a Twilight Zone fan at all so I guess you don't have to be to like Badlands Of Kain


Nothing happens. You as the audience will find yourself pointing at the television and asking the characters why they are so stupid. By the time something finally does happen, you've lost interest. You're probably checking your Facebook account to see if someone liked the picture of your dog that you took earlier that day or you are catching up on sports scores. The characters are uninteresting. The creepy guy isn't creepy, which I find odd because there are so many creepy people out there. They should have spit out their window on a Sunday and found someone better. The acting is bad. I'm not sure why anyone liked this movie. I think sometimes people are "supposed to" like boring movies to justify why they wasted their time watching it. My advice though is to skip it.


I just randomly watched this movie with no expectations. I didn't read any reviews or watch any previews. The best way to sum it up is it's an episode of the twilight zone made into a movie. It is quite good and will likely keep you guessing. If you have nothing to watch, I definitely recommend it.This is a somewhat thought provoking movie. Not something that you will finish watching and instantly forget about. It has quite a bit to say about a variety of topics.The only real negative is the annoying over the top acting of one of the girls; especially in the beginning.
