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Night Angel

Night Angel (1990)

June. 02,1990
| Horror

A legendary she-demon, in the updated guise of a beautiful model, infiltrates the offices of a successful fashion magazine with the aim of corrupting the world via mass media.


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"Night Angel" is an okay horror film.**SPOILERS**Lilith, (Isa Andersen) an ancient demon, is reborn in the present as a young woman. She starts going on a killing spree, which worries the head of a fashion magazine, Rita, (Karen Black) as all the victims are employees. Craig, (Linden Ashby) the staff photographer, caught between Lilith and Kirstie, (Debra Feuer) Rita's sister, and as the murders of the magazine's staff turn to the various models on staff, he can't help but notice that Lilith is always close to the murders. When she starts dictating staff policies and directions, he fully believes that Lilith is something else and tries to stop her.The Good News: I was actually surprised to find a few things in here that were really good. The film has some gore effects in here, including a nifty slit throat, a heart pulled out, and some glass shards slicing up the leg. There are some other kills in here, but those are the ones that feature the best effects on display. The finale also has some great moments in it, including the final incarnation of Lilith, who looks quite impressive and the design is pretty well-executed. The lead-up is excellent, with an extended series of chases inside a forest. These are the highlights of the movie, as it features some nice deaths, effects, and even a couple moments of mild suspense thrown in as well. One provides a cheap jump, as we focus on one person, running around in the dark, with it being silent as well, until a character jumps out and grabs them. It's quite a nice scene, and the set-up for a pretty entertaining finale. The frequent hallucinations and dreams throughout are pretty inventive and quite creative. The middle one, with a series of freaky images that meld perfectly into the tone of the movie, borders slightly on the comical but is capable of getting some small creeps in. It's a pretty nice sequence.The Bad News: There wasn't a whole lot of convincing elements in here that indicate this would really happen. It doesn't make any real sense as to why a creature of such power as Lilith demonstrates in the film would chose to take the route she takes. It's basically just a series of events strung together to see how much nudity they can get away with before they're required to kill someone off. As usual with these kinds of films, when there's no kills or nudity on screen, it can be taxing to keep interested in what's going on at times, due to the nonsensical happenings on display. A demon with unlimited powers in the universe takes over a glamor magazine to take over the world? It's quite a stretch to believe that, and as such, there's not a large amount done to make it believable. It sort of happens, and the characters have to deal with it when they finally discover what's going on. Aside from the finale and a key sequence in the middle that is pretty nice, there's next to no action in here, and that leaves the film with another strike against it. Add to that the fact that most of the technical merits here are questionable at best and it's a little more than below average.The Final Verdict: It's not a total waste, but most of it's good parts is towards the end, so the beginning can be quite the pain. It's an all right film, but not that special. Worth a look for fans of the genre, but others should exceed with caution.Rated R: Full female and rear male Nudity, Graphic Violence, some language and a couple sex scenes

Bruno Fleischmann

After brief narration giving a bit of information about Lilith, an ancient demon transforming into seductive woman and killing horny men since the dawn of mankind, the infamous Night Angel crawls out of the hole in the ground in front of viewer's eyes. Viewer's eyes will be pleased by the fact the demon already looks like naked woman. The only thing that gives away Lilith's true identity is a disfigured hand with sharp claws. The devil woman changes the shape of the hand before she goes on her manhunt and chooses a head of well known fashion periodical as the first victim. The boss gives the mysterious beauty a lift, Lilith invites herself into his fancy house, seduces him and then slashes his throat with fingernails while rich man's little son watches in horror. She also removes heart from victim's rib cage. Soon, redaction of the magazine becomes a place of witchcraft when Lilith decides to spread evil in the printed form. Lilith first causes a fight between two men at the discotheque, one of them falls into elevator shaft, the other one is badly injured by broken glass. Lilith introduces herself as the right hand of magazine's new boss played by Karen Black and turns the whole staff into zombie-like creatures. Craig, one of the employees, doesn't like the change of magazine's style and becomes another man on Lilith's death list. He tries to defeat the demon with the help of his girlfriend and elderly black woman who knows Lilith's hideous secret... Night Angel represents a perfect example of 80's supernatural horror, packed with mechanical monster effects and latex gore.


OK - I have to admit it: I love old school 80's & 90's era, electro/disco music and this decadent atmosphere that you CANNOT really find in todays mystery/horror/whatever films (there are exceptions, of course). This one isn't too dumb, really. Compared with lots of silly hollywood 'horror' this one is much much preferable. We even have enough style, music and few gore effects to get things going. And of course, as you have probably understood by now, there's an evil mistress that is trying to rule the world. And then, the final supposedly climactic ending sequence. This is quite an OK viewing, with quite pleasant & amusing characters. No masterpiece, by no means, but should be OK for most horror fans and fans of that particular atmosphere I described above.


A demon assumes the guise of a woman and becomes an editor at a fashion magazine. She lures men into her spell and then kills them. Not much of a premise and with rather poor acting, but the director makes this work. The effects have style and look rather good, the sets are creative, and the photography is inventive. The lead looks her part very well, but just can't act to save her life.Rated R; Violence, Nudity, and Sexual Situations.
