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Nursie (2005)

October. 04,2005
| Horror Thriller

A young man is held captive by a sadistic nurse.


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I saw Nursie at the premier in Shreveport. It is a movie that keeps you spell bound. It is very exciting and one is holding baited breath waiting for what is coming next. Savannah was the best as Ada in the movie; no one could have been better. Thomas C. Howell (Zack) worked his magic as the captured Doctor. Frieda Jane was great as the abused daughter of Ada. I liked the movie, because of the great directing and all the actorswere great. The music was well done and adds to the script. The picture quality was excellent. A great movie, wonderful actors, directors and writers.


I went to see the movie, "Nursie" and was so surprised by the acting. I wondered who the Nurse was because I wasn't paying attention at first to the names and then when I saw the credits, it was the same woman who was in "North Dallas 40" and "Long Riders" a long time ago. I've always liked C. Thomas Howell but this time he seemed so grown up and deep. It was really scary. Not like other movies scary with tons of blood and constant slicing of peoples heads off but slower Southern like scary. The women in the nursing home, Twilight Gardens, were were really weird and feeble and sickly and Nursie was pretty twisted. Her niece, Mary Claire was so pretty. I wanted her to get what she wanted. I don't want to say what it is because I don't want to give anything away. I love movies shot in the South because they're so cloudy and steamy and dreamy and scary and complicated. Like the doctor tied to the bed in the attic that Nursie's brother feeds supper to. I liked the colors. They were bold and whoever directed it must have known what he was doing for a long time because each scene led to the next. There wasn't any fat in the movie. And the song at the end was really beautiful. Spooky but in a way elegant. I'm waiting for "Nursie's Back".


I caught this at a screening at the media experience in new orleans back in october. I did not know the movie was filmed on dv until the producers said it. This movie is very similiar to misery a film done many years back by reiner except he did it better. misery was based on the book by stephen king. this movie doesn't even come close to the nerve-racking nature and intensity of misery. NURSIE is cliched and downright dumb at many times. rhere is better dialogue in disney's CAT IN THE HAT. Hopefully we will be spared from a NURSIE II. NURSIE leaves it open for a sequel. Not all of this movie was bad. There is great cinematography and direction for a dv movie. The performances was good too. 3/10


Wow. I just finished screening the film and I really can't believe some of the things I just saw. Whoever wrote this film must have a really warped mind because the subject matter is just so perverse. Stephen King look out because here comes Maxine Jordan!!!
